Site Inspection

Photo by Michael Blomkvist

Last week, we looked at some ways employers can begin to solve the working remotely challenge. This week, let’s discuss your role. As an employee, you have a few questions to contemplate. Does your organization consider working remotely a privilege or a right? Are you willing to take a pay cut to work remotely? What message are you sending to your managers? Is it clear, kind, and collaborative?

Both employers and employees require communication, empathy, and flexibility to effectively negotiate. This week, let’s think about what constructive steps employees can take to help build a bridge across the working remotely gap.


  • Build your case for working remotely. You can include why it is best for you, but put more emphasis on why it benefits both your manager and  your organization. For example, working remotely reduces your commute time. This is good for you because it saves you money. It’s good for your manager and your organization because you can spend that time working instead of commuting.
  • Provide data that supports your case for remote work. Pull up your Atta Baby file. Do you have any documentation of your increased productivity, successful project outcomes, and positive feedback from colleagues and/or clients from March 2020 to the present?
  • After gathering your evidence, schedule a meeting with your manager. Clearly and calmly present your case. Give brief illustrations of how remote work has positively impacted your work quality, efficiency, and overall well-being. Then actively listen to your manager’s perspective. Understand their reasons for wanting you in the office full-time. This can help you find common ground and empathize with their concerns.


  • If your manager has specific doubts about you working remotely, address them directly. For example, if they’re worried about collaboration, share how you plan to stay connected with colleagues and contribute to team projects while off site.
  • Highlight how you’ll maintain accountability and meet your metrics. Describe to your manager how you’ll be available, responsive, and productive. For example, someone who emails you with a simple request on a Wednesday at 8:00am can expect a reply from you within thirty minutes.
  • Be receptive to your manager’s feedback and open to adjusting your proposal based on their input.


  • Suggest compromises that address both your needs and your manager’s misgivings. How about a hybrid schedule where you’re in the office for certain days or specific team meetings?
  • Suggest a trial period for this arrangement and ways to both evaluate its effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
  • If the conflict remains unresolved, consider involving Human Resources to mediate. They can provide guidance on the interpretation of your organization’s policies.
  • If you and your manager come to an agreement, document the details in writing to avoid any misunderstandings later.
  • If you do not reach an agreement, that gives you valuable data. It shows you what your employer expects. It also reveals the conditions under which you are willing to work. You can use this information to make decisions regarding your future with this organization.

The goal is to find a solution that benefits both you and your employer, and meets the needs of your team and your organization. Effective communication and a willingness to compromise are essential for reaching a resolution that everyone can support.

How is working remotely affecting your work life integration? Please share in the comments.

Finance is Personal

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

For most of us, money is not fun. You usually have to work to get it, spend some of it on things you’d rather not, and managing it can be confusing. But if you don’t manage it, then it will manage you. So, let’s simplify by putting personal finance into the 5Ws and an H framework. Who, what, when, where, why, and how should you manage your money?

Who: Everyone

What: Personal finance means controlling your income, expenses, savings, investments, and debt by making informed decisions to meet both your short-term and long-term financial goals.

When: Now

Where: There are numerous options for where to put your money to make it work for you. Traditional brick-and-mortar banks and credit unions are good for everyday transactions. High-yield savings accounts at online banks are good for longer-term savings. For investments there are apps, brokers, wealth managers, and plenty of others willing to help you. Here are some options to consider.

Why: Managing your personal finances gives you peace of mind, helps you reach financial independence and allows you to achieve your goals. Having an emergency fund and long-term savings gives you confidence to take career risks. For example, taking a job at start up or opening your own business. You have a lot of freedom when you aren’t dependent on others for monetary support. You have flexibility to choose where and how you want to live, work, volunteer, and play. Whether it’s saving for retirement, buying a house, or paying for education, managing your finances is crucial to reaching your life goals.


  • Build a realistic budget based on your monthly income and expenses that covers all your essential needs like housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, loans, credit card balances, and emergency fund
  • Pay off debt particularly high-interest credit cards and loans. Make more than the minimum payment if you can. Avoid accumulating more debt unless it’s absolutely necessary. Being debt free helps you maintain a good credit score and gives you access to financial opportunities like investing
  • Grow your money by setting up automatic transfers to your savings account each month. Your long-term goal is to save at least 20% of your income. Eventually you can use your savings to make a big purchase like a dream vacation, a car, or whatever you want
  • Make your money work for you by investing it wisely. If you are a patient person, a financial advisor or wealth manager can help you choose a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. If retirement is many years away for you, these are good ways to grow your nest egg. A financial advisor should also be able to help you understand your responsibilities for taxes, insurance, and retirement planning 

When you have control over your finances, you are empowered to handle unexpected expenses, cope with economic downturns, and secure your future.

What do you do to manage your personal finances? Please share in the comments.

Spending the Summer

Photo by Perfecto Capucine

How is it Independence Day already? If you’re going to take a summer vacation, the season is half over. Yes, travel is pricey, but there are ways to mitigate the expense. Here are a few strategies to stretch your hard-earned money.

Plan for Spontaneity

  • If you don’t have your heart set on a certain destination, then start with your budget. Your vacation has categories like transportation, accommodations, food, and entertainment. Assign dollars to these categories, but keep in mind that the price things cost changes every day.
  • Prices follow demand. If you can vacation at an off-peak time and place, (e.g., Tuesday – Thursday in Columbus instead of Friday – Sunday in Orlando) then travel and lodging will be cheaper.
  • Use a travel app (Travelzoo, Skyscanner,  Hopper, etc.) to research discounts. Enable notifications so you are alerted when the price of flights and hotels goes down. Check your loyalty programs. Do you have points to use?
  • If you choose to fly, check your airline’s baggage policy before packing your suitcase. Can you fit everything in a carry-on? If so, you can avoid excessive baggage fees.
  • What is going on at your destination? Is there a fair or festival? Is there a ballpark offering a discount day? Is there a coupon for a museum tour? Does a local restaurant offer a kids-eat-free-with-adult-purchase option? If you can plan your itinerary around deals on entertainment and eating, then you can save a lot of money.

Go Further Together

Can you vacation with family or friends? If you travel in a group then you can divide the costs. For example, if you drive, you can carpool and take turns paying for gas. If you stay in a hotel, you may be able to negotiate a group rate. Or, check out websites like Airbnb or VRBO for alternatives. What about renting a house? When you have a kitchen you can all chip in to buy groceries. You can either take turns cooking or you can make meals together instead of eating out every day. When you do eat out, look for locally-owned restaurants to support. Restaurants catering to tourists often charge more for the same meal options. Choosing local serves multiple purposes. You get to experience both the culture and cuisine of your destination and you’ll save money. You will save even more money if you can either walk or take public transportation to get to the eatery. Research the available options while planning your trip.

Short and Sweet

If you don’t have the time, money, or patience to deal with the chaos going on in the travel industry right now, then at least take a break with a staycation. If you are into camping, some state parks have no-fee options. Or take a day and do something you don’t usually do like go to your local art museum, or take a hike at a nearby Metropark, go to a movie theater and attend the first showing of the day, relax with a book at your neighborhood pool, stay all day at an amusement park including the closing fireworks show. You can have a good time and stay within your budget.

What you are doing to get away this summer? Please share in the comments.


Photo by Kat Jayne

We talked last week about getting laid off from your job, but we did not talk about its negative impact on your budget. You know it’s important to maintain an emergency fund (three to six months worth of expenses), and the best time to do that is before you need it. But why is it so hard to save up your money?


Society trains you to attach your self-worth to your income. It’s one way to evaluate success or failure. Have you heard the motto, “He who dies with the most toys wins”? People are competitive. In the workplace, the person who has the most money has the most power. You carry that mindset into relationships outside of work. You gravitate toward people with similar socioeconomic backgrounds. If you feel your income is lower than your friends, then you’re embarrassed to discuss it. But talking about finances can create community because people have knowledge to share. For example, if you both have car loans, what is their interest rate? Is it lower than what you’re paying? That conversation may not only save you money, but also build a stronger relationship. Comparing yourself to others is useless. There will almost always be someone in your life who makes more money than you. You decide how much status, comfort, and peace of mind is enough for you.

Humans are Judgy

Discussing money openly is still generally considered impolite. Seventy percent of Americans think money conversations should be kept private. Other people aren’t the only ones judging you based on your income. You also judge you. If your income is tied to your sense of identity, then revealing it feels like exposing something deeply personal. It’s especially painful if your income does not match your goals. Society places a lot of value on financial success. You may feel looked down on if you know your income is less than your coworkers. That is one of the reasons the culture of the American workforce traditionally gives for the strong privacy policy around finances.

Paradigm Shift

The pandemic made the workforce rethink what making a living looks like. For example, is there more to life than working under the terms and conditions someone else sets? Or why do you care about society’s opinion when they aren’t living your life? If tightening your budget will enable you to live the way you want, then try these ideas.

  • Determine essential expenses (housing, utilities, groceries) and cut back on non-essential expenses (eating out/food delivery, entertainment, subscription services)
  • Review your health, (medical, dental, eye) car, life, and any other insurance policies. Make sure you have adequate coverage, don’t have more than you need, and you aren’t paying more than necessary
  • Pay off your credit cards ASAP. Look for a card with a lower interest rate. When you find one, contact your bank and ask them to match it
  • Work an additional flexible-schedule job (dog walker, food delivery driver, consultant) to supplement your income until you get your finances where you want them

Saving your money is hard because it’s not about money. It’s about how you feel about money. How do you prioritize how much is enough? Please share in the comments.

Happy Endings

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day coming up, you may be celebrating your parents over the next few weeks. Maybe you will get together and relive memories of their past as you grew up. Are you also thinking about their future and how it may impact yours? 

Once your parents retire Social Security and Medicare will help with living expenses, but it’s likely they will outlive those funds. You need to know if they have savings and safeguards in place to protect the money they worked so hard for. Here are some things to consider.


Since older adults have had more time on the planet to save up their money, they are logical targets for fraud and not just by strangers. When talking to your parents listen for stories of any new friends coming into their lives and how they spend time together. For example, when they go out to lunch, does your parent always pay the check? Here are some other things to watch for. Also talk about the latest cybersecurity scams. Criminals are employing the latest capabilities of AI to do scary things like enhance family emergency schemes


Always a touchy subject, but the economy is perpetually uncertain. Everyone wants to ensure they have all the resources they need to live the rest of their lives the way they want to. Here are a few questions to ask.

  • Do they have savings (e.g., IRAs, pensions, etc.) in place?
  • Do they have outstanding debts?
  • Do they have the necessary documents (like these ) filed?
  • Not to be morbid, but have they thought about funeral arrangements? Do they want their remains to be buried or cremated? Are they organ donors? If they haven’t thought about it yet, encourage them to document their preferences so you can carry out their wishes after they are gone.


Mostly, you want to know that if you die before they do they have a plan for living out the rest of their lives in safety and comfort. Here are some questions to ponder together.

  • Is the interior of the house okay? Accessories like grab bars in the shower, a chairlift for the stairs, and adequate lighting throughout the house will help prevent falls. 
  • Do they have any chronic conditions? Are the names and contact information for their healthcare providers written down somewhere that you can access if necessary?
  • Do they have a community? Social engagement is important for mental and emotional health no matter how old you are. Do they volunteer with their church? Does their city have a senior center?
  • Do they feel safe driving? Are they open to public transportation, ride-sharing, or  a nonprofit’s transportation program?
  • When they eventually need help aging in place, should you live together? If so, who is financially responsible for what expenses? How much physical help will they need before it’s beyond your capabilities? Should you get advice from an eldercare attorney to prepare yourselves for what the future may bring?
  • If they ultimately need an assisted living community, how do you find a trustworthy one? Here’s some information on where to begin.

The future and money are both emotional conversation topics. If you approach them with empathy, respect, and active listening, they will be more productive. Be aware this is not a one and done. You will revisit these issues as long as you are blessed to still be on the same planet as your parents.

What resources do you recommend for aging in place? Please share in the comments.

The Big Reveal

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

When you ask for a raise and you’ve talked about how you have increased your responsibilities and your plans to either save the company money or bring in more revenue, that’s when your manager asks, “How much money do you need?” What if you’re a crew member at a fast food restaurant and your reply is, “How about $25 an hour?” Neither question seems helpful. Your manager should know (and be willing to disclose) the budget range for your position. Salary is not determined by how much the employee needs. It is based on how much the company is willing to pay an employee to get a job done on time, under budget, and with excellence. Does this seem weird to anyone else? No? Just me? K. Moving on.

One of the best ways to find out how to solve a challenge is to ask someone who has been through it. However, we’re trained early in our careers to not talk with our coworkers about compensation. Why?

Employers cannot forbid their employees to tell each other how much money they make. In fact, it’s a right protected by the National Labor Relations Act. Yet, we know we’re not supposed to and some employees have gotten fired for doing so. Authenticity at work means being open about who you are, your values, beliefs, and experiences. Your compensation is one of your experiences. Some state legislatures agree and have passed pay transparency laws to aid in reducing pay discrimination. This new authenticity has ramifications for both the employee and the employer.

For the Employee

Pay transparency laws require companies to disclose salary information to job seekers. These laws are supposed to make it easier for potential employees to negotiate salaries and feel confident they will receive fair compensation for their work. The fast food employee in our scenario above should get online, find the restaurant’s job postings, look for their job description, and see what pay range is offered. Then they will know how much of a raise to ask for. They should also look at other similar fast food restaurants’ job postings. Are they offering the same pay range?

For the Employer

Pay transparency laws should help you reduce turnover and avoid costly discrimination lawsuits. While adjusting to the new rules, be aware there may be hidden compliance costs. For example, you may need to invest in new systems or processes to collect and disclose salary information. This could increase your administrative costs. You may also need to raise your current employees’ salaries to prevent them from quitting. To do this at a sustainable pace, you can tie raises to job performance and give reviews twice a year. Before posting an open position, check to see what pay range your competitors are offering.

Negotiating terms of employment is where the foundation of trust gets built between an employer and employee. Pay transparency laws should produce a more competitive job market, better informed decisions, improved employee morale, and a more positive work environment for everyone. 

How do you feel about pay transparency? Please share in the comments.

Tax Facts

Photo by Karolina Grabowska for Pexels

The green surrounding me for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations this week reminds me of the color of money which reminds me that it is tax season which reminds me of the education I received when filing them this year. What is your philosophy for paying taxes? Overpay and get a refund? Under pay and owe at tax time? How do you keep up with all the changes in tax laws? Here are three things you may not know about filing your taxes this year.

Quarterly Not Annually

Do you have as few tax dollars taken out of your paycheck as possible? It’s logical you want to keep as much of the money you earn as allowed. Are you satisfied not receiving a tax refund if it means that you keep your money during the year? Did you know the IRS expects to be paid a certain percentage based on your tax bracket at the time you receive your pay and reconciles quarterly, not annually? If you haven’t had the appropriate amount withheld from your paycheck every quarter, then you are assigned a penalty fee when filing your annual return. Now I know why my gig-working friends fill out Form W-4 every year.

Not a Firm Deadline

Every organization that owes you a tax form is supposed to mail/email it by January 31, right? That means you should be able to safely file your tax return in mid-February. Did you know that if you have certain investments, for example, you are a partner in a business and you report your share of that business’s income on your personal tax return, then you may not receive a K-1 form until mid-March? More on that here

No Penalty for No Coverage

Did you receive any 1095 forms? They provide information about your health care coverage. Remember back in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act required all Americans to have health insurance or else you paid a fine at tax time? The 1095 forms state how you are covered, for example If you received health care coverage through your employer or the Marketplace. Did you know that there has not been a penalty at the federal level for not having health insurance since January 1, 2019? Yet, these forms keep coming. California, Washington D.C., Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont require their residents to have health insurance (although, Vermont does not impose a penalty for no coverage). The IRS wants the information, so you keep receiving these forms.

You have several options for filing tax returns. For example, you can purchase DIY software. Here is a comparison of a few. You can hire someone to do them for you. Here is how to look for a good tax preparer. If your annual adjusted income is $73,000 or less, then you are eligible for free guided preparation through this program. Any of these options can provide you with information on annual changes.

What is your philosophy about filing tax returns? Please share in the comments. 

Love Local

Photo by Tim Douglas

This Valentine’s Day the news about Mikesell’s is a heart-breaking reminder to support your local small businesses. If an organization that has operated for over 110 years can close, then every local business is in danger. Here are three reasons why you should spend your hard-earned money locally.

Your Money Stays Here

In 2019, 47.3 percent of employees in the United States worked for small businesses. It’s likely you know someone who works for one: your next-door neighbor the landscaper, your nephew the HVAC apprentice, your friend the bookkeeper. By using their services, you keep your money in your community. You have much more influence locally than you have globally. Big box stores often get tax breaks from local governments that local small businesses do not receive. When you vote with your wallet by choosing to purchase local over big box stores, it is a statement of your values. Small businesses competing with one another prompts innovation and lower prices. This is why I like to frequent several local coffeeshops. (Okay, it is ONE of the reasons I spend so much money in local coffeeshops.) The sales tax from small businesses stays in your community. This money goes to pay for things like public schools, fire departments, and libraries. Local small businesses tend to transact with other local small businesses keeping even more money flowing through your local economy.

You Help People Make a Living

Sure, you can pick up Chipotle for lunch, but what about that Mom and Pop Mexican food restaurant down the street? Chipotle is not going anywhere, but every day Mom and Pop are struggling to stay in business. Some small businesses sell products that are locally made. The closer the product is to the place where it is sold, the less transportation it takes to get it there. This reduces  the amount of fuel needed and saves the seller money. It also reduces the amount of emissions in the air making the environment more safe for everyone. Buying local allows more of your neighbors to make a living. That Mom and Pop Mexican food restaurant hires local residents as managers, servers, cooks, etc. Does your city have a farmer’s market? The space, products, and artisans are all local. Local small businesses positively impact your local economy in multiple ways throughout your community.

You Create Community

The more invested you are in a community, the more concerned you are about all of its citizens. Their welfare and future are tied to yours. Local small businesses are famous for supporting nonprofits. According to, small businesses donate 250% more than large businesses to community causes. Small local businesses sponsor kids’ sports clubs, food banks, and job-seekers programs. It’s likely that you can name several local small businesses that support the same nonprofits you do.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to show some love to your local small businesses. What are some of your favorites? Please give them a shoutout in the comments.

Hush Money


Last week in part one of the It’s so Quiet series, we talked about Quiet Promotion. This week let’s look at the Quiet Quitting trend, particularly focusing on how it may impact your income. Can you afford to quiet quit? Can you afford not to? 

What Is It?

Quiet Quitting is meeting the minimum expectations of your job requirements and feeling psychologically detached from your work. If you avoid leading a team of your coworkers or you refuse to work overtime, you may be a Quiet Quitter.

What Can You Do?

Job descriptions are living documents. They expand and contract with both the company’s needs and the employee’s abilities. Level setting expectations on a regular basis is vital to shaping both your work and your engagement. Here are three things you can do:

Document: Make a list of duties you were asked to do that are outside of your job description. Are they housekeeping tasks? For example, taking notes in every team meeting, typing them up, and distributing them. Or, are they responsibilities that will make you visible to leadership? For example, presenting your department’s Q4 statistics in the partner meeting. If they are housekeeping, then no wonder you’re discouraged. But if they are responsibilities that put you in front of the people who can further your career, then rethink what may be going on behind the scenes.

Communicate: Whatever your documentation reveals, it’s time for a 1:1 with your manager. Present your list. Politely state you’ve noticed an uptick in duties. Ask if these assignments are intentional. If so, and they are housekeeping, is it because of your status in the company? (E.g., You are a junior member of the team.) If the assignments are more high-profile, are you being set up for promotion?

Strategize: After documenting and discussing, think about where you want to go from here. If the assignments you received position you to advance, then the extra work benefits you in the long run. However, the rise and grind culture leads to burnout. If you are expected to go above and beyond your job description with no end and no reward in sight, then do you really want to stay at your organization? Particularly if you work in Big Tech. Seventy-nine percent of the workers laid off last year had another job within three months. Things to consider when making your decision:

  • Do you have an emergency fund with $1200 in it?
  • Do you also have six months worth of expenses saved?
  • How will the coming recession impact your portfolio, mortgage, and/or loans?
  • Do you have a side gig that you can ramp up to second-job status?
  • Do you have an alternative for healthcare coverage? (E.g., through your spouse’s employer)
  • Does your current employer offer benefits (e.g., working remote and/or flexibility) that compensate for the extra duties?

You could also keep quietly quitting, but that can lead to Quiet Firing; more on that next week.

Have you ever quietly quit a job? Please share in the comments.

Your Favorite Things

Photo by Andrew Neel 

We have arrived at the end of another year. Being the data geek that I am, I analyzed the stats to see what articles received the most views. If you missed these conversations, or you’d like to revisit them, here are the top three most viewed articles in each category.


Time for a Brand Refresh

Too Young to be Done

Time for a Change


Battery Low

You Can Talk to Me

You Can’t Always Get What You Want


Child-free by Choice

Join the Resistance

Treat Me Right


Back to Basics

Isn’t it Romantic?

On the Road Again

Thank you for walking down memory lane with me. The best holiday gift you can give me this year is your feedback. What topics did you like? What other topics would you like to discuss? What challenges at work do you need help solving? Please share in the comments.