Transferable Skills

Photo by Sarah Chai

My mom’s birthday is this week. When I think about celebrating her, the usual motherly attributes come to mind. She is kind, supportive, available, etc. But none of those characteristics are number one on my list. The first thing I remember about growing up with my mother is leadership. Now, maybe that’s because leadership is always on my mind, but hear, er, read me out. A woman who chooses to raise a child is one of the first people to lead that child. Mothers teach how to eat, speak, walk, etc. When raising a child, a mother must learn skills that, coincidentally, make her an effective leader in the workforce. I’m not suggesting that every woman needs to have a child in order to be a good leader. I’m saying that motherhood is, by default, leadership training.

For the next month, we’ll examine some of the leadership skills a woman cultivates when she becomes a mother. In part one of this series, let’s look at how developing confidence through raising a child produces a confident leader in the workforce. Moms learn what works best for their families through trial and error. This gives them confidence to rely on their instincts in similar situations at work.


A mom must adapt to the circumstances and situations around her. For example, she is up every two hours during the night to comfort her child. The next day she is at work giving a presentation. Being flexible also fosters a growth mindset which is critical both for raising children and for leading coworkers. When a mom trains her child to be a life-longer learner, the child believes they can train to do whatever interests them. When a manager who happens to be a mom arranges upskilling for her staff, they believe they have the capacity to learn, unlearn, and relearn hard-skills like computer languages.


A mom must make rational decisions for her child’s physical, emotional, and mental health. When researching options, she filters information through that lens. She collects feedback employing the scientific method: who, what, when, where, why, and how. She customizes that knowledge, data, and opinion to build a plan unique to her child. A mom in the workplace can apply this process when she decides what project to assign to which of her employees.


A mom handles multiple tasks simultaneously. This requires her to learn how to determine what is important and what isn’t. Once she decides what tasks are important, then she can prioritize them. After that, she can organize multiple resources to accomplish what needs done. At home this may look like packing the same meal for both her and her child’s lunch because she is crunched for time. At work this may look like pulling certain team members from their work to contribute to a last-minute presentation requested by a client. This level of organizational dexterity builds trust with both children and coworkers.

What other aspects of motherhood do you think builds the confidence necessary to be an effective leader in the workplace? Please share in the comments.

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Photo by Vlada Karpovic

COVID kept you cooped up for so long that you’re determined to get back to traveling. Stories of canceled flights, lack of rental cars, and inflated accommodation prices due to demand are not enough to deter you from summer vacationing. You know why you want to travel, now you have to figure out where, when, what, who, and how.

Where are you going?

Every decision that follows will be based on this one. For example, Are you going to drive or fly? Are you going to stay on a resort’s site or off? If you fly, will you need a rental car? Will you get all your meals from restaurants? How many and what kind of souvenirs do you think you may purchase? The more you are able to visualize your trip, the better you can estimate how much the variables may cost.

When are you going?

Once you decide where you want to go, the next decision is when. Summer is traditionally vacation season, so that’s when airfare, accommodations, and entertainment are the most expensive. Can you afford the higher prices or can you delay gratification and go in the off-season? Waiting is hard, but it gives you time to save money toward the trip and avoid the summer crowds. If you have the flexibility to be spontaneous, travel apps like Hopper  and KAYAK will notify you when your desired trip gets discounted.

What will you do while you’re there?

After the where and when, estimate how much money you’re going to need for transportation, accommodations, meals, souvenirs, and entertainment. Then add 10% for miscellaneous or unpredictable circumstances. Once you’re on your trip, you can use an app to keep track of your spending.

Who is going with you?

If the more you think about the expense of a vacation the more out of reach it seems, then what are your options? Are family and/or friends in the same situation as you? Can you go together? If you all agree on a destination that you can drive to, you can carpool and all chip in for gas. If you stay in a vacation home, you can all share the rental cost. You can stop at a grocery along the way, pick up food, and eat at the rental instead of at restaurants. If you are at a destination that rents canoes or gives guided tours, then you can split those costs with your group.

How can you take a break without taking a vacation?

Maybe it’s just too expensive to take a long or faraway trip right now. Start saving toward that goal and consider taking a break closer to home instead. Do you camp? Campgrounds are usually cheaper accommodations than hotels, especially if you have your own equipment (tent, camper, RV, bike, kayak, food). It’s also mentally beneficial to commune with nature. Or what about the old staycation? Have you visited your city’s museums, MetroParks, or historical sites recently? If so, then what about a city about an hour’s drive away? You get to sleep in your own bed, eat your food, and you save yourself the stress of taking a big trip.

Do you plan to travel this summer? Please share your destinations and money-saving tips in the comments. 

Treat Me Right 

Photo by Yan Krukov

I published this article about The Platinum Rule (TPR) over a year ago. The response I keep receiving merits a part two. As a refresher, you’ve probably heard of The Golden Rule (TGR). It says, “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” The next progression of this philosophy is The Platinum Rule (TPR). It says, “Treat others the way they want to be treated.” For example, if I followed TGR, I’d never give anyone a gift card to a restaurant because I don’t want to receive gift cards to restaurants. (Eating at restaurants is a minefield for this diabetic.) Following TPR, if my goal is to celebrate someone, then I should give them something they like, no matter how I feel about it.

In his book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote, “Personally I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’t think about what I wanted. I thought about what they wanted. I didn’t bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled a worm or grasshopper in front of the fish and said: ‘Wouldn’t you like to have that?’”

Culture Creator

Employers would be wise to apply Mr. Carnegie’s logic to their workforce. In this movement dubbed The Great Resignation, we have moved on to the Great Reevaluation. The workforce is thinking really hard about the priority their jobs have in their lives. If they are currently dissatisfied with their situation, there are plenty of options from which to choose. The need for employees is so desperate that if employers want to both attract talent and retain it, they’d be wise to consider TPR instead of TGR. For example, if you are a Founder/CEO/President of a small business, then no one loves that company more than you do. It is on your mind 24/7/365. As the leader, your example sets the culture of your company. If you send emails at 10:07PM, then the employee who receives it thinks they have to get out of bed and respond. If you call from your car while dropping your son off at his play rehearsal, then the employee who answers feels like they have to stop making dinner to talk to you. If you review quarterly reports during your daughter’s swim practice, then the employee you texted questioning last month’s lagging sales feels like they have to pause their workout to reply. Your behavior sets a standard of being on-call all the time. Eventually you will burn out both yourself and your workforce. Once your company has this reputation, it’s difficult both to retain current employees and hire new ones.

Lead by Example

You can say that employees don’t have to reply right away, but your behavior gives the impression that an employee who cares about career growth with your company will be responsive. Your words whisper, but your actions shout. Thinking about work is actually work. It is invisible unpaid work that you create for your employees when you habitually cross their boundaries. Define what your business hours are. Set reasonable communication boundaries for both before and after those hours. Respect those boundaries. That is an effective use of the TPR.

What does your company do to apply The Platinum Rule to employees? Please share in the comments.

The Home Team

Photo by August de Richelieu

While at the grocery store, I passed the coffee kiosk. It was fairly busy. The barista was at the register taking orders. A couple of women waited near the pick-up counter. A man with a sleeping baby in a carrier approached the pickup counter and found his coffee. He excused himself around the two women waiting for their orders. One of the women said, “What a good daddy you are!” I silently wondered, if it was a woman with an iced grande caramel macchiato in one hand and a baby carrier in the other, would the speaker have said, “What a good mommy you are!”? I hope so, but society does not train us to praise mothers for parenting.

From the Beginning

Let’s normalize a team approach to getting the invisible, unpaid work done; especially when it comes to parenting. In a heterosexual, two-parent household, when a baby is born the only thing the mother can do that the father cannot is feed the baby with her own body. Everything else is a level playing field. Mothers don’t instinctively know what a baby needs. For example, when a baby cries in the middle of the night, waking up, getting out of bed, and soothing that baby is not a talent unique to mothers.

In this Together

Let’s stop perceiving domestic work through the lens that society perpetually trains us to use. All genders can learn to change diapers, wash dishes, do laundry, take out the trash, get the kids to school, rehearsal, practice, the dentist, etc. Let’s rethink the assumption that the person in the couple with the lowest income (typically the woman) is by default the family manager. In a heterosexual household, let’s stop sending the message to men that they are “helping” around the house. Even if he takes on the burden of the physical work, the mental and emotional burden is still on the woman if she has to know and decide what, where, when, and how that work gets done.

For the Future

When/If you become a parent, if you have a partner, please normalize co-parenting. In learning to navigate the world they live in, children need each parent’s strength and time. One partner should not be limited to the role of financial provider. The other should not be limited to the role of domestic provider. Doing so denies parents the opportunity to model genderless behavior to their children. For example, it is extremely beneficial for children to witness their father supporting their mother’s passions and goals while managing his daily routines. When they see their father being patient, unselfish, kind, and collaborative, then they look for those qualities in the people they choose to be in their lives.

What are some things you do to promote co-parenting? Please share in the comments.

Setting the Standards 

Photo by MSH

If your husband is also a father, do you get him a gift for Father’s Day? Why do we lump husband and father together? The roles are very different. Here’s what I’m thinking.

Criteria for Husbands

Be a friend – Your wife should be the first person who hears your breaking news, whether good or bad. You are the person your wife should be able to trust the most, so keep her secrets. Everyone has faults, and your wife is probably painfully aware of hers, so resist pointing them out.

No wife jokes – Like these. I propose the traditional marriage vows be amended to say, “to love, cherish, and respect until parted by death.”

Ride or die – You and your wife are a team. Your first loyalty is to her for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, yada, yada, yada.

Responsible – Do what you say you’re going to do. If you tell her you’re going to mow the lawn today, do it. If you change your mind, tell her.

Unselfish – Put your wife’s needs ahead of your own. Has she worked overtime this week? Then suggest she stay home from your company softball game tonight.

Affection – This isn’t necessarily public displays of physical affection or mushy social media posts. It can be as simple as letting her know you’re paying attention. For example, my husband doesn’t usually tell me when he’s read something I wrote. After I published this he bought me a coffee mug. I thanked him and mentioned that it matched the article’s specifications. In his best Han Solo  imitation, he said, “I know.” I not only love the mug, (and him!) but I also love knowing that he read something I wrote.

Communication – Disagreements are a given, but fights don’t have to be. It helps to remember that it is the two of you against the challenge not the two of you against each other. Even when the challenge is your wife, speaking the truth in love will resolve an issue faster.

BTW, You should expect these same considerations from your wife. 

Criteria for Fathers

Physical security – You contribute to the provision of food, clothing, and shelter.

Emotional safety – You enforce the rules. When you show your children where their boundaries are, it instills confidence in them. Kids want to make dad proud and now they know how.

Relationship role model – If you are loving and kind, then your children will seek those qualities in the people they choose to allow into their lives. Their behavior in their relationships will also be loving and kind because they saw their father model it.

Unconditional love – Consistently reassuring your children that you will love them no matter what gives your kids peace of mind.

Proactive parenting – You are raising your children to be adults capable of functioning without you. You plan your time with them to achieve that goal.

Present and involved – You set aside time (and your phone, and your laptop, etc.) to focus on your children and what they are interested in and/or struggling with.

Respects the mother – Whether you live with your children and their mother or not, you present a united front with her. You keep your disagreements between the two of you and resolve them in private.

Do you agree with these theories? What did I get wrong or forget to mention? Please share in the comments.

On the Road Again 

Photo by Mikechie Esparagoza for Pexels

Like Dorothy Parker, every day we wake up and wonder, “What fresh hell is this?” Ukraine, monkeypox, Roe v. Wade, the lingering effect of COVID’s mutations, mass shootings, extreme weather events…not only is 2022 taking a toll on your mental health, but it’s also taking a toll on your wallet.

In a good economy your car is a major expense. It’s even more so during the inflation we’re experiencing right now. Hopefully, the situation is temporary. While we wait to find out, here are some things you can do right now to save money on driving.


Can you get by with one car? How about no car? If you live in a walking city and work remotely, think about what you use a car for. If all you can come up with is the occasional weekend away or driving for holiday visits across a state or two, you could rent a car for those occasions. Selling your car pays off your loan if you have one. It also saves you money on fuel, maintenance, repairs, and insurance.


  • Speaking of insurance, if you used to commute to work and are now working remotely, contact your insurance company and ask for a discount. Insurance premiums are based on risk. The fewer miles you spend on the road, the less risk you have of getting into an insurable accident. Find out if your provider offers a low-mileage discount and if you qualify for it. Not all insurance companies have the same parameters, so if you don’t qualify for your current insurance company’s low-mileage discount, comparison shop.
  • Do you own both a house and a car? Do you rent your residence and own a car? Do you have life insurance? Do you own a boat and/or a motorcycle? Ask your insurance provider about discounts for bundling multiple policies.
  • Do you have more insurance than you need? Everyone’s situation is different, so here are some guidelines. If you are carrying too much, right-size your policy.
  • Keep your FICO score high Some banks let you check it without negatively impacting it and even notify you when it changes. A higher credit score can lower your auto insurance premium.


If you can put off purchasing a new vehicle until 2023, do. The usual advice on saving transportation money is to sell your car and buy a used, late-model, economy car, but right now, finding those is difficult. Even If your car needs a major repair, if you can maintain your ride another year, it’s still likely to cost less than buying another one.


  • Carpool with a coworker
  • Sign up for your favorite grocery’s fuel rewards program
  • Download and use a fuel comparison app
  • Drive the speed limit
  • Make sure your tires are properly inflated
  • Use cruise control
  • Remove items that inhibit the aerodynamics of your vehicle (e.g., roof racks, bike racks)
  • Don’t drive if you don’t have to. For example, combine multiple errands into one trip, use your grocery’s delivery service, etc.

What are you doing to save money on transportation costs? Please share in the comments.

Don’t Believe Everything You Think 

Photo by August de Richelieu for Pexels

It’s Memorial Day weekend; the official start of summer recreation. School lets out, community pools open, and outdoor concerts shift into high gear. Does anyone else feel weird about kicking off summer fun with a holiday based on mourning the military personnel who died while serving in the United States armed forces? No? Just me? Okay. The sacrifices they made secured the freedom we enjoy. We pause, remember, and are grateful.

Speaking of weird, how is your adjustment to working in person going? We endeavor to discuss the evolution of work in dispassionate, detached, and practically Vulcan tones, but under the calm exteriors, all the feels are brewing.

Employees want more freedom over where and when work gets done. Employers are afraid to give up that much control. Changes like a four-day work week, WFH options, and bringing your dog to work are just the beginning. They lead to other debates like, What about unlimited PTO? How about healthcare insurance coverage from day one? Will the company offer stock options?

The attention both employers and employees have to pay to these emotionally charged topics is exhausting on top of the work that needs to get done. Often, when you’re weary, emotions, especially the negative ones, lead the conversations instead of interpret them. Under what circumstances is it okay to express strong emotions at work?

Emotions are contagious and can escalate an exchange into an argument. In the absence of communication, negative emotions are even more dangerous because where information is absent, your brain fills in the blanks.

For example, if your manager keeps putting off approving a time-sensitive decision, you don’t know why they aren’t giving you an answer. You can assume they are thoughtfully processing the possible implications of their decision. It’s more likely you’re going to assume they’re putting you off because they forgot about you or don’t respect you. These negative thoughts produce negative emotions that fabricate a story you believe is the truth. Then, you may get angry and make a decision without your manager’s sign-off. You tell yourself you will ask for forgiveness if it turns out they don’t approve.

But, what happens when you discover the story you told yourself is false? Now you’ve damaged the trust between you and your manager. How do you recover from that? What do you learn from it? How do you fix it? What triggers do you put in place to prevent it from happening again? (Recommended reading: Rising Strong, by Brene Brown)

During this transition from the way work was done to the way it will be done, it’s crucial that you manage your thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. You must pay attention to what you give your attention to. Be an active listener. Summarize and repeat back what you think you heard. Presume everyone is on the same team and working toward what is best both for the organization and for each other.

When was the last time you had to stop your brain from filling in a communication gap at work? Please share in the comments.

Nature vs Nurture 

Photo by Kindel Media for Pexels

“The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.” 

Charles Kettering

Recruiting and retaining talent has been a challenge ever since prehistoric tribal chiefs realized that they had enough gatherers and began persuading some of them to try hunting. As the years passed, population growth allowed employers more choices. When they needed more workers some employers, like the prehistoric tribal chief, saw who currently worked for them and upskilled them to accomplish the new goal. This changed the company’s working environment. Other employers reached out and found people who already had the necessary skill and hired them. Employers’ expectations not only dictated who did the work, but also what, where, when, and how the work got done.

Priority Shift

Since the information age began in the 1970s, the evolution of work and the workforce needed to do it, have incrementally shifted the power of negotiating the terms of employment away from the employer and toward the employee. COVID-19 ushered in the Great Rs (Retirement, Resignation, Reckoning, Reshuffle) spotlighting the fact that employees feel like they are done with living to work and instead want to work to live. They want to integrate work into their lives, but not necessarily make their job their top priority. Yet plenty of organizational leaders are resisting this change. They insist on maintaining a traditional, pre-pandemic business environment while simultaneously trying to both retain current employees and attract new ones. You can spot some of these companies by their reactions to the workforce shortage. For example, their attempts at luring talent include hour wage hikes and signing bonuses. This practice is not only unsustainable, but also unattractive to potential employees and resented by current ones. 

Share and Share Alike

Wise leadership will retain and recruit employees by cultivating a more transparent and inclusive work environment. COVID revealed that traditional hierarchical leadership is a lot less valuable now. Business runs at the speed of trust. A company managed by leadership that keeps both data and opportunities to themselves, instead of being open about employee pay metrics and career growth, won’t stay in business very long. These are the organizations who continue to believe in the myth of the messianic figure with a Midas touch that will fix everything. They continue to ignore the tendency of this type of leader to be a fixed-mindset dictator. Employees used to work for this type of leader because they were afraid of losing their jobs, but now, not so much. The companies run by servant leaders who both hire talent with strong soft skills and create a culture of growth by implementing diverse ideas, building a strong foundation of trust, and sharing credit for success, are the companies that will successfully retain and recruit talent during the next Great R.

This evolution was happening pre-pandemic, but progress is like turning the Titanic around. Those in power naturally want to maintain the pre-pandemic status quo, but there’s no going back to what was considered normal. Smart employers will figure out whether or not they want to stay in business and what changes they are willing to make to do so.

What changes would you like to see regarding the way work gets done? Please share in the comments.

Time for a Change 

Photo by Sora Shimazaki

Given my fascination with the Great Resignation and all its iterations, it was only a matter of time (or, in my case T.E.A.M.) before I participated in it. I dove into the Great Reshuffle when I recently accepted a new position. As a former Change Agent, you’d assume that I’m prepared for the adjustments necessary to negotiate the transition to a new job. Well, you know what assuming does. (If not, DM me.) The phrase I used to calmly repeat to clients, I now have to incessantly repeat to myself, “Change is hard; even when the change is good, it’s still hard.” If you’ve ever changed roles, moved to a new team, or joined a new organization, you feel me. Here are three things I’m still learning about change.

Failure is Data

You’re going to make mistakes and mistakes do not equal failure. The only time failure happens is when you quit trying. Mistakes provide valuable information for improving your processes. They reveal where you need to set triggers so that you will avoid making the same mistake twice. You can use mistakes to both increase the speed at which you learn new procedures and decrease your learning curve.

Slow Your Roll

I often preach at you to stop and think. You should also stop and feel. What are your emotions telling you? Is joy cheerleading? “Wow! I can’t believe I’m on this team!” Or is fear whispering? “Wow. I can’t believe I’m on this team.” The first feeling reinforces your decision to change as a positive move. The second feeling should prompt you to take a five-minute break and, while drinking a bottle of water, ask yourself the five whys. For example:

  • Why does being assigned to this team make me feel nervous? Because everyone else on this team is a rockstar.
  • Why are they considered rockstars? Because they get highly visible projects.
  • Why do they get highly visible projects? Because they all crush their KPIs every month.
  • Why do you think that is? Because they do more outreach than anyone else.
  • Why don’t you ask one of them for advice on effective methods of outreach? 

Build Bridges

Walt Disney was right. It really is a small world. It’s likely that you’ll encounter former coworkers in the future, especially if you still work in the same industry and/or the same small city, so it’s wise to only speak positively about them. You may have health coverage and/or a retirement plan with your former company that requires Human Resources’ help to tie up those loose ends, so be polite and responsive when they ask for your input. Write a thank-you note for all of the opportunities your former employer gave you and publish it on your social media. Your LinkedIn newsfeed usually has plenty of examples you can follow.

Remember that your participation in the Great Reshuffle affects others. Whether you have a partner, a parent, or a pet, everyone in your circle of influence is impacted by your change. If you will intentionally be kind, repeat how new processes will work, and get some rest, then both you and your loved ones will adjust faster.

Have you participated in the Great Reshuffle? What changes have you made? Please share in the comments.

Another Day, Another Crypto 

Photo by RODNAE Productions

I led an Is It Worth Your T.E.A.M.? workshop for a group of young professionals recently. One of the questions we worked through was about investing money. There were usual questions like, Should you invest in property or stocks? Then one participant said he felt like it was time to do some serious research on cryptocurrency. I realized that it had been a couple of years since I even thought about cryptocurrency and, at the time, I dismissed it as an experiment that probably wouldn’t go anywhere. But this year, I’ve seen television commercials for tax preparers offering to make sense of how to report your cryptocurrency income to the government. Guess it’s time to take another look and see how the experiment has iterated.

What Is It?

Cryptocurrency (AKA Crypto) is a purely digital form of money. There are currently over 10,000 different cryptos. Bitcoin is the original and the most popular. Crypto comes into existence through a process called mining. It’s a bit like a modern version of mining for gold, but instead of a person panning in a river, data centers solve mathematical puzzles to produce coins. Also, much like a gold miner spent a great deal of human energy panning, data centers use a great deal of electrical energy computing. This makes mining crypto environmentally unfriendly. Regular currency is backed by banks and governments, but crypto is administered by blockchain. This is a type of technology that acts like its name. A block is a set of transactions that are validated by an online network. The blocks are strung together to form a ledger. The ledgers form a database that is shared by nodes (e.g., a small server) in a computer network. Since the blockchain is a distributed network, this decentralized transaction record system is considered very secure.

How Do You Use It?

Right now, there aren’t many places accepting crypto for purchases. It’s mostly an investment option and a volatile one. You buy and sell it on exchange websites like this one. If you choose to invest in crypto, please remember to bankroll your emergency fund, pay off debt, and set up a system for saving for retirement first. Think about limiting crypto to 10% (tops) of your investment portfolio. Even though it’s trendy, most investors continue to choose gold over crypto due to the current inflation and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 

Does It Have a Future?

So, it seems that not much has changed since the last time I researched crypto.  We are still in the early-adoption phase, but major financial institutions are starting to get involved. Recently, Fidelity announced it would offer a bitcoin option in their 401(k) plans. I imagine that eventually using crypto will be much like online banking transactions. To reach that goal, crypto administrators must figure out how to battle scams, how to scale it,  and how to stop the environmental damage mining causes. In spite of the challenges, crypto is predicted to exponentially grow by 2025. 

My research indicates that cryptocurrency is polarizing; you either love it or you hate it. Which side are you on? Please share what you think about it in the comments.