Die Hard

Photo by Moose Photos from Pexels

B2B cold calling is a hot button. Sales professionals have strong opinions and compelling arguments both for and against it. 2019 data says it doesn’t generate business 90% of the time and it takes six hours of calling to set one appointment, (which may not lead to revenue, btw) but companies who didn’t do it grew 42% less than companies who did. Everyone agrees it’s a huge time waster and isn’t the best way to attract clients, but most also say to do it. Not helpful. What are some of the problems and how can we solve them?

It’s outdated

Invented by fellow Daytonian John Patterson to sell his cash registers in 1873, cold calling is no longer novel and it’s developed a bad reputation. It’s considered selling, but isn’t it just hunting? We call a stranger and try to ferret out if they need what we have. I interrupt someone’s work to pitch my company. Is this the first impression I want anyone to have about us?

No Gatekeepers

With companies phasing out admins, decision makers have to answer their own phones and they usually just don’t. They get so many sales robo-calls, they don’t consider it rude to hang up on us. People would rather receive texts than calls. They’d rather receive emails than texts. They’d rather ignore all three.

Buying has changed

The seller used to be in control of the information the buyer needed. Thanks to technology, information is available at decision makers’ fingertips. Customers prefer to check our websites, Google us for reviews, and talk to people we’ve worked with to find out if they want us. Customers want personal service from trustworthy local businesses. They want to discover us and enlist our help in solving their problems.

Qualified leads

Narrowing down not only the companies we contact but also the appropriate personnel is crucial. It saves time and puts us in contact with the person who knows if their business has problems we can solve. This is a big deal and big business. There are a ton of companies who supply sales leads.

Inbound marketing

If we analyze our data and determine what our customers have in common, we can reach out to similar businesses through our websites and social media channels. We can attract those who need us by demonstrating who we are and what we do. We can earn clients’ trust by giving them content they can use. We can establish ourselves as the SME to solve potential clients’ problems, then invite them into conversation.

Develop relationships

Let’s make friends now, so people know and trust us in the future. If we can do someone a favor, we should; even though there’s no revenue in it for us. We never know who a potential client is and “Bacon’s Law” is real. We can like and/or comment on new acquaintances’ social media posts. We can send them emails with helpful content (e.g., an article regarding an industry trend) without including a sales pitch.

When we can’t find businesses who need us, is picking up the phone and calling random companies the answer, because at least we’re doing something? What do you think? Please share in the comments section.

Quittin’ Time

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels
Are you a quitter?

You like your job, but you no longer love it. You’ve got a good thing going, but an opportunity is knocking with the potential to be great. You don’t have enough reasons to stay put, but loyalty to the company keeps you from making a career move. You don’t want to be seen as a quitter. We equate quitters with failure, but walking away from a job that no longer aligns with your values makes you smart; not a quitter. Your ambition is a good thing and it takes courage to pursue work you really want and not settle for a job that’s no longer working for you. Do an ROI analysis of your job annually (e.g., performance review time) and react as objectively as possible. Give yourself permission to go after what you want. 

Exit Strategy

You’ve accepted another job. Now what? Let’s talk basics: Get your ducks in a row with the new employer (e.g., your benefits package is in order, you have a copy of your signed contract, you’ve agreed on a start date, etc.) before saying anything to anyone at your current company, even your work bestie. The first person you tell is your manager. If you don’t have regular 1:1s, request one. Make sure this meeting is at least two weeks before the start date of your new job. Go to it with a resignation letter framed as a thank-you note with these elements: gratitude for the opportunities the company and your manager gave you, a diplomatic statement of why you’re leaving (e.g., “I’ve grown all I can with this company.”) and the date of your desired last day. While a two week notice is standard, be aware that you may be asked to leave immediately. Or, to stay longer than two weeks to wrap up loose ends and/or train your replacement. Bring a succession plan to this meeting: a list of your responsibilities and suggestions for who is qualified to take them over. Try to work out a who-needs-to-know-when timetable you can agree on, but ultimately your manager gets to decide. Have a tactful elevator-speech-length story ready to tell your coworkers when they ask why you’re leaving.

It’s a small world after all.

Chances are good you’ll need a reference from your manager or you’ll run into coworkers at networking events so don’t speak negatively about the company. Keep your attitude professional and set up the coworkers who assume your responsibilities for success (e.g., type up a status report of the projects you’re working on, introduce them to your clients via email, offer to be available via phone or email after you leave). Keep it classy even after you turn in your keys. Announce on your social media platforms that you’ve accepted another position, but be sure to publicly thank the company you left for preparing you for this new opportunity.

Have you ever felt conflicted leaving a job? Please share in the comments section.

LinkedIn is a Thing

Photo by Christina Morillo for Pexels

I don’t know what my face looks like when I ask someone to connect and they say, “I don’t do LinkedIn,” but from their reactions, it’s not pretty. I’m surprised at the number of people who say they either don’t use the platform or they have a profile but don’t check it. When I ask why, they usually say it’s not worth their time. The honest people say they find it intimidating. With the volatility of the job market, we have to be open to opportunity. Even if you love your job, and don’t intend to leave it, it could leave you. Multiple income streams from both side gigs and passive income are smart strategies for securing your financial future and LinkedIn can help you find those opportunities. Let’s talk about the basic things you should do to have a presence on LinkedIn.

The Basics

In 2017, 95% of recruiters polled used LinkedIn to find candidates. So at least fill out a profile. It’s free. If the task seems daunting, check out your friends’ profiles, especially if they do a job similar to yours, and follow their examples. In your headline and profile summary (the About section) use the keywords they use to describe themselves. Keywords are one of the tools recruiters use to find you. If you have a recent headshot, use it as your profile picture. If not, have someone take one. A professional is best, but a selfie works if the lighting is good and the background is plain. Don’t use a headshot that’s more than five years old. If you arrive at an interview looking older than your photo, you leave the impression you’re less than honest. Your background photo is tricky because of the required dimensions (1584 x 396 pixels) and the fact it needs to accommodate your headshot in the lower left third of the shot. But if you can find one for free (try Pexels) that depicts what you do, it will set your profile apart from users who just leave the default background up. You can use your resume to fill out the rest of the sections (Experience, Education, Licenses and Certifications, Volunteer Experience, Skills and Endorsements, Accomplishments, and Interests).

Some other things to do:

-Use the search function to connect with people at companies you want to work for then like and comment on their posts
-Follow the pages of companies you like
-After you make some connections, go through their connections and ask them to introduce you via LinkedIn’s group message feature or email. Then ask those mutual connections for coffee or an informational interview
-Position yourself as a thought leader in your industry by writing and publishing articles using LinkedIn’s article publishing feature
-Find articles pertinent to your industry then post them on your timeline using links and hashtags to share them with as many of the LinkedIn community as possible

LinkedIn is a conversation and conversations are supposed to be fun. It takes time and effort to get started, but once you do, staying active is easy.

How do you make LinkedIn work for you? Please share in the comments section.

Come Together

Photo by John Guccione www.advergroup.com from Pexels
Spendthrift loves Cheapskate

When couples argue over finances, money is almost never the real problem. It’s a symptom of the real problem. We learn about money as children. We didn’t analyze our parents’ bank statements when we were 10 years old, but we did experience where their money went. Did we live paycheck to paycheck? Did we go to Disney World every year? Did we donate to charitable organizations? If we got a bike for Christmas, we knew we had money. If the heat got turned off at Christmas, we knew we didn’t. These experiences influence our relationship with money. It’s common for couples to have vastly different opinions regarding money, while simultaneously assuming everyone else’s attitude toward it is the same as ours. Saver marries Spender oblivious our spouse’s financial philosophy will quickly drive us crazy, but couples overcome financial differences every day. As with most things in life, it’s all in the approach.

We Need to Talk

Saver and Spender should talk about money priorities at a time that is good for both and in a relaxed setting. We come to this date with a list of what is important to us to both spend money on and save money for. First, we figure out how much money we each make every month. Next, we go through the monthly bills (e.g., mortgage/rent, utilities, internet, phone, gas, groceries, etc.) and see how much we have to spend on these fixed expenses. Ideally, what we have to spend is less than what we make (If not, that’s a whole ‘nuther blog post).

The difference in those two figures is disposable income. This is the money we have to talk about. Does Saver like putting money in a savings account? Does Spender like to eat out? Agree on monthly limits for both. We also need to agree on an amount each can spend without the other’s blessing and we should set parameters on what qualifies as a big purchase (e.g., a car). The goal is for Saver to feel secure and Spender to not feel confined.

For additional comfort and freedom, we can open separate accounts in addition to our joint account. The joint account is for bill paying and each spouse can contribute proportional to our income. We define what purchases qualify as household expenses (e.g., child care) and pay those out of the joint account. Discretionary spending comes from the individual accounts.

We consider debt. How much are we comfortable with (e.g., credit card debt)? What are we willing to go in debt for (e.g., our children’s education)?

We ought to discuss saving and investment goals. Do we want to buy a house? Go on a month-long vacation? Retire early?

The more couples talk about money (how we spend it and why), the easier it gets. We aren’t just building our finances, we’re building our trust in each other.

How do you and your spouse deal with money issues? Please share in the comments section.

What Difference Does it Make?

Photo by Jopwell from Pexels

Last year there was huge buzz around Marie Kondo and her movement to spark joy through tidying up. If you followed her method, do you still feel joy from the things you kept? If not, maybe tidying up just made you happy instead of joyful. Here in the doldrums of winter, let’s brighten things up a bit by discussing the difference between happiness and joy and what we have to do to get them.

What’s the Difference?

Happiness – is a temporary and fleeting emotion. It’s a result of what’s going on in our lives at the moment (e.g., landing a big account or going on vacation). Happiness is external and pretty much out of our control. It’s experiencing positivity, gaining fulfillment, and getting what we want. Happiness is a consequence of good fortune; like how we feel when we reach a goal (e.g., a promotion). It’s a feeling and feelings can change in a New York minute. 

Joy – is permanent and comes from within us. It depends only on our behavior; as opposed to how someone else’s behavior affects our moods. We have to choose joy. It doesn’t just come naturally. For example, we can choose to like ourselves for our kindness instead of berate ourselves for not yet losing those last ten pounds. Joy is closely associated with peace of mind. We can build it and allow it to evolve as we discover what people, places, and things bring us comfort. Joy is wanting what we have. It’s a state of being content in all circumstances. Joy requires a growth mindset. It is unique to the individual and can dictate the steps we take to attain our goals. Cultivating joy is definitely worth our T.E.A.M.

How Do We Achieve Them at Work?

Happiness – We can set and meet S.M.A.R.T. goals, make $60,000 – $95,000 a year, take a coffee break, text a friend, or listen to a song. We can routinely treat ourselves to small diversions to refresh our dispositions. If we don’t like our jobs (e.g., digging ditches) we can unearth an aspect outside of our tasks that we do like (e.g., my muddy buddy in the ditch beside me could be a stand up comedian).

Joy – We can practice gratitude: be thankful we have jobs and hot cups of coffee. We can discover meaning and purpose in our work. We can choose to further our personal development. We can let offenses go and not dwell on the negative. We can do what’s necessary to obtain peace of mind (e.g., prepare for a client presentation for an entire week ahead of the meeting). We can adjust our attitudes. We can cut back on social media; especially the platforms that promote competition (look where I went, whom I’m with, what I’m eating). We can take on challenges and risks and not give up until we’ve competed the tasks. Then, we can celebrate our successes no matter how small.

What are you doing to build joy into your work life? Please share in the comments section below.

Movin’ on Up

Photo by Markus Spiske temporausch.com from Pexels

I arrange my office furniture around the electric outlets. Is that weird? Hear me out. There are a finite number of outlets in my office. I have to plug in two monitors, docks for two computers, speakers, coffee cup warmer, desk lamp, phone charger, and air freshener. I not only need at least one power strip, but also to place my desk along the wall with the most outlets. We can think of our careers in the same way. If we’re trying to advance, we must get close to those in power.

Identify the Elvis

You’ve discovered a team/department with whom you’d like to work. Before declaring your intentions, see what you can find out about their manager (i.e., the Elvis) through some harmless stalking. Does your company’s website have biographies or resumes of the leadership team? How about an organizational chart on its intraweb? Does the Elvis have a LinkedIn profile? Get to know the people who are important to him. Pay attention to who his go-to direct reports are. Ask yourself how you can provide value to him. You can start by helping out his team. Do the tasks they either don’t have time for or don’t like.

Business Development

Managers are supposed to help their employees develop professionally, but if your current manager is happy with your performance, she may be more interested in keeping you where you are. It’s a hassle to replace you. If you’ve learned everything there is to know about your own role and aren’t interested in moving to the next position in your job family, (or maybe that role is filled by someone who isn’t going anywhere) you’ll have to develop yourself. Ultimately, you are responsible for your advancement.

Knowledge is Power

Do some discreet reconnaissance. Find out what positions in your company are (or soon will be) available, get the required skills if you lack them, find out how other teams work together, and think about what unique abilities you can contribute. Remember to also consider your career trajectory. Is this a lateral move? Will you lose any benefits? Will this position look good on your resume?

Fake it ‘til You Make it

There’s nothing wrong with sitting in a meeting, nodding, smiling, and taking notes; then going to your office, shutting the door, and Googling all the jargon and acronyms used during the meeting. If I can’t manage to act like I know what someone is talking about, I ask follow up questions. I hope to demonstrate my desire to learn is stronger than my fear of everyone knowing how ignorant I am on the subject.

Confidence Begets Confidence

Dress for the next position you want, not the one you have. Speak kindly to everyone, from the CEO to the janitor. Stand up straight, put your phone down, and look coworkers in the eye. You’ll be remembered as a desirable team mate, promote your brand, and expand your network; all of which you need to keep moving up in your career.

What are you doing to get to the next level? Please share in the comments section.

Time to Tune Out

Photo by Pixabay for Pexels

Have you noticed in meetings there’s at least one team member on her phone, tablet, or laptop the entire time? She could be taking notes, but no one assumes that do we? Hopefully, we make enough eye contact with the client to indicate he has our full attention. If we’re in front of our screens this much at work, how much more are we in front of them outside of work, and how damaging is it?

Break the Binge

Most of us spend more time in front of screens than we realize. On the average, Americans watch over five hours of television a day, and almost four hours on our computers, tablets, and/or smartphones. If we turn them off, we can buy ourselves a huge chunk of our day back and maybe our relationships too. Can we really concentrate on the story our partners or kids are telling us if we’re distracted by the puppy video we just scrolled to on Instagram? With all that time we could read a book on personal development, walk the dog, or have coffee with a friend.  

CVS is a Not Just a Drug Store

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) can happen when we spend hours looking at a computer or phone screen. When we use a computer at work, then go home and check our social media, that’s a lot of time exposed to screens. Do you use the 20-20-20 rule?

Couch Potato Chip

If we’re binge watching Netflix or spending the evening gaming after work, then we’re probably sitting still. If we aren’t moving around, we’re not burning calories or stretching our muscles, and we’re likely snacking. We’re not deeply connecting with people, but instead seriously considering feeding the Trolls. More good reasons to use the phone to either call a friend or play music while on the stationary bike instead of using it to cruise Twitter. 

Put it Down and Walk Away

Here are the Mayo Clinic’s suggestions to help us put our devices away.

Here are mine:

Turn off notifications – If someone needs to get ahold of me in an emergency, they’re going to either text or call; not Facebook messenger me. Getting distracted by notifications on my phone throws me out of my flow while working. It takes so much time to recover, it’s not worth knowing which friends just added to their stories. Eliminating this distraction helps me be more productive and get things done then give my full attention to my friends Facebook stories at a more appropriate time.
Get rid of cable – My husband and I spent so many nights looking for (and failing to find) something to watch on our 189 cable television stations that when we moved three years ago, we didn’t bother subscribing to cable. We’ve found plenty to watch with an antenna and streaming services.

How do you convince yourself to step away from the screen? Please share your suggestions in the comments section.

Refresh for the Roaring 20’s

Photo by Pixabay for Pexels

So here we are in a brand new decade. Are our old financial habits still serving us? Here are five ways we can spend less, save more, and live better.

Save it for a Rainy Day

Life happens. Sock some money away for unexpected events like car trouble, a dead refrigerator, or your child’s emergency room visit. I use Dave Ramsey’s advice on how much to set aside, but you may want to save more.

Goals are Good

We set S.M.A.R.T. goals for work, why not for our money? It’s good to have three: a long term goal for which it will take years to save like retirement (you may want to research IRA’s ), a medium term goal like a four week vacation driving the length of Route 66 (which could take a couple of years of saving), and a short term goal like purchasing a new laptop (which may only take a couple of months). It may be a good idea to arrange to have a percentage of our paychecks directly deposited to our savings accounts. We’re less tempted to spend money that’s a bit inaccessible. If we received a Christmas bonus, we should consider saving it toward our long or medium term goals. We won’t miss money we weren’t counting on.

Take a Picture, It Lasts Longer

Let’s get a snapshot of what our finances currently look like. Gather records like statements for investments, checking and savings accounts, and credit cards from last month. Where is all the money going? There are fixed expenses like the mortgage (or rent), loans (e.g., car, student), and utilities (e.g., gas, electricity) we have to pay every month. But to reach our savings goals, we may need to cut back on non-essentials. For example, do we use a food delivery service (Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc) a lot? Maybe it’s time to start cooking and food prepping instead. If we have debt that charges high interest (typically credit cards) we can use the money we save from not spending it on non-essentials and pay off the high-interest debt as fast as we can to save on finance charges.

I’m on the Hunt, I’m After You

Shopping online saves time, but when I’m trying to save money and the sweater I decided not to purchase keeps following me around from website to website as I check my social media (creepy, isn’t it?) begging me to buy it, it’s really hard to resist. So, I get offline and promise myself I won’t purchase the sweater (or whatever) until 48 hours have passed. If I can live without it for two days, I can probably live without it period. 

Just do it

We shouldn’t wait to begin saving until we think we can afford to put some money aside. It’s likely that day will never come. Begin saving money immediately; even if it’s just $20 a week in a savings account. By the end of a year, we’ll have $1040, a nice emergency fund.

Have you updated your savings plan for 2020? Please share it in the comments section below.

What’s Wrong With Being Confident?

Photo by fauxels for Pexels

Here are a few women-in-leadership questions capturing my attention lately:

Q: In the churches I attended growing up, I was taught God created women to be men’s helpers so men are leaders and women are followers. I’m all about helping and my worldview is Biblical, but it often clashes with my ambition. I read about The Wife of Noble Character and get confused. She’s obviously a leader in the workforce, so why is it negative for women to lead?

A: You know how I love my data. Here’s a study of 19 key leadership capabilities. Women scored higher than men in 17 of the 19 capabilities, so why aren’t there more female CEO’s in America? Men assume they are competent to lead. Women assume we are not. This unconscious bias is ingrained in us and society just takes it as gospel. (See what I did there?) When hiring managers read a resume, they need to stop and think, “Based on track record, is this the right person for the job?” and avoid focusing on whether the person’s name is Joe or Joann. 

Q: American society needs strong women, but when one steps up, we tear her down. The female 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates come to mind. Why do we do that?

A: In spite of progress women have made in the workforce, society still isn’t used to confident women. To rise in an organization, women must be both likable and outspoken. That’s a difficult tightrope to walk. To be likable, women are advised to share credit for a project’s success. This waters down our contributions and gives us no accomplishment to note at promotion time. On the other hand, women who excitedly speak up in meetings to promote our ideas risk being perceived as overbearing personalities; forfeiting our chances to pitch them to the client. This is a blow both to women’s confidence and to the company’s revenue.

Q: When a woman is vocal about owning her achievement, she’s usually perceived as aggressive. What can we do to support confident women?

A: Women typically approach a job like we approached school. We found out what our teacher wanted and gave it to her. On the job, we find out what our boss wants and give it to her. Then we wait to be rewarded with higher stakes projects, a pay raise, or a promotion, but because we’re quietly working no one notices. Women need to get brave and own our contributions. Will we be judged for that? Yes. Should we let that stop us? No. Haters gonna hate whether we speak up or not. When we see a woman tooting her own horn because she achieved success through hard work, we should pick up a megaphone and amplify her because the whole organization will benefit.

We (men and women) get further together than we do on our own. Let’s look for ways to build each other up instead of trying to one up each other. We spend so much time on the job, wouldn’t it be more pleasant to work under conditions like that?

What are some ways you support confident women in the workplace? Please share your tips in the comments section.

Not Your Grandmother’s Resolution

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

As we prepare to celebrate the end of 2019, (after tornadoes and a mass shooting here in Dayton, OH, we say good riddance) and prepare for 2020, we think about making New Year’s resolutions. How about instead of resolving to stop smoking or lose weight, let’s:

Treat others the way we want to be treated

For example, when I have a new project at work requiring the talents of someone from another team, I first approach the person whose talent I need and ask if he’s interested. If so, I then approach his manager and ask her permission to assign him to my project. I outline the work, the time I expect it to take, and how it will benefit both the talent and the company. Respectful communication helps us all get more work done.

Listen and learn

Let’s seek opportunities that put us in the same room with people who have different backgrounds and lifestyles than us and listen to their stories. I’ve gotten to know some excellent people by scheduling a follow-up coffee after meeting at a networking event. Seeing the world from someone else’s perspective expands our own.

Flip the script

Much like Joan Jett covering the Mary Tyler Moore Show theme, let’s do something unexpected. This takes a lot of energy. It’s easier to sit and complain about the way things are instead of leaving the break room and doing something about them. For example, if we usually wait to be asked for our ideas, let’s take initiative, write up a brief proposal, and email it to our manager.

Stop comparing

Our journeys are unique. If we compare ourselves to someone with fewer resources to make ourselves feel important, how petty is that? If we compare ourselves to someone further down the career path to make ourselves feel unimportant, how degrading is that? Let’s focus on improving our good habits one percent every day. Let’s only compare ourselves to who we were yesterday. Did we take a step toward our goals or improving our systems today? Let’s make that the bar we strive to meet.


For example, if we habitually complain about other women, why? Are we jealous? Do we think success was handed to them? Does it relieve us of the responsibility of hustle and sacrifice? Let’s stay in our lanes, assume they got where they are through hard work, and support them to advance even further. When we add value to someone’s life, the law of reciprocity kicks in and we can end up benefiting. Let’s intentionally lift each other up.

These resolutions build our self-esteem and confidence. Not only will we like ourselves more, but others will like us too, and that’s good for business. Some people light up the room when they walk in and some people light up the room when they walk out. In the new year, let’s aim to be the former.

Please share in the comments section how you resolve to stretch yourself in 2020.