Resume Refresh

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Multiple companies in my networking groups are hiring and there are a plethora of position postings on my social media platforms. Sufferin’ Succotash! This seems to be a hint to update our resumes.

Then and Now

When our grandparents first entered the workforce, they looked through newspaper help-wanted ads, typed up a resume and cover letter, mailed it to the hiring company, and waited by their rotary phones to be called in for an interview. Technology has exponentially streamlined the job hunt. Networking is a major factor, but that is another post for another day.


Best practice is to get your resume into the email of an ally who will personally forward it with a recommendation to the hiring manger. If you must use a job search website, (Indeed, Monster, etc.) be prepared to sift through scads of subcategories using keywords to drill down through their specializations and/or certifications. Edit your resume to match the job descriptions of the returned results. It takes a lot of attention, but tailoring your resume to fit each position you apply for is essential.

Short is Sweet

Your resume is an advertisement enticing recruiters to call you for interviews, so leave them wanting more. It shouldn’t be longer than two pages and one is preferable. If you need to cut something, make it the reference section; save those for the interview. Only list your job history for the past 10 years unless the experience you gained is crucial to the job for which you’re applying. If the applicant tracking system (ATS) doesn’t force you to list beginning and ending dates of past employment, omit them. As for hard copies, if you aren’t Elle Woods, stick to black font on white paper. Proofread your resume multiple times before hitting send. Have a friend proofread it. Read it out loud. Print it off and read it. Let it sit for an hour, then go back and read it again.

By the Numbers

Hiring managers want to see you’ve either made your employers money or saved it, so quantify your accomplishments when possible. For example, “My outreach efforts increased my company’s revenue by 3% last year,” or “I initiated the move to an online fax service saving my company about $2000 by not purchasing paper and ink.”

Hello SEO

Even if you have an ally in the company campaigning for your hire, you’ll likely still have to apply for the position on the company’s website. The ATS scans your resume looking for keywords from the job description. Match your skills to the role using the words they use. For example, if the job description says, “Fluent in Spanish,” make sure those exact words are on your resume.

Entry-Level Irony

Many jobs require experience, even for entry level positions. Experience you gained as a volunteer counts. Were you the president of your fraternity? Did you manage a household budget for five people? Have you moved your local animal shelter’s donor information  records from spreadsheets to a CRM? You can also showcase your soft skills. List examples of problem-solving, communication, and/or teamwork.

LinkedIn Better

Yes, I just used LinkedIn as a verb. LinkedIn is an interactive resume and interview combined and on steroids. It’s one of the main resources recruiters use to vet  candidates, so be sure to put your LinkedIn URL on your resume. Audit your LinkedIn profile. Invest in a good headshot. Follow companies you want to work for and look at the marketing or sales employees’ profiles. Model yours after theirs (e.g., add appropriate keywords from their headlines to yours) so their recruiters can find you. Start a conversation: congratulate them for an award they won, thank them for posting an insightful article, or mention a non-profit you both support. 

Have you updated your resume lately? Please share your suggestions in the comments.

Still Dreaming

Image by Greg Reese from Pixabay

On Monday, January 17, 2000, all 50 states began recognizing the third Monday in January as a holiday. Most celebrate it exclusively as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Media typically highlight one of King’s most famous speeches. We haven’t yet realized his dreams. We still have lots of work to do. My dreams revolve around the American workforce. Here are five of them.


I dream of equal pay for equal work. The disparity we hear about most is probably the wage gap between women and men. The latest statistics I found are from 2019 when, on the average, women earned $.80 for every $1.00 earned by men. But, employees of color, employees with disabilities, and LGBTQ(IA+) employees experience even wider wage gaps. The U.S. Department of Labor has been trying to fix this since the 1960s and is still working on it; which leads me to my next dream.

Child Care

I dream of safe, dependable, economical, quality child care for every family. Since the 1950’s, the number of women entering the workforce (including mothers) began to rise steadily, peaking in 2000. The cost of living meant a significant number of families required more than one income to survive. Consequently, parents had to pay someone to watch the kids while they were at work. In 2019, around 10% of a family’s income went to pay for child care. There is plenty of research out there on this topic. Here is an insightful article about why child care is so expensive. Here is an article on why America resists universal child care.

Health Care

I dream of available, affordable, and accessible health care for all workers. I have no answers; only questions and research. Why is this so hard? Why does it cost so much? Other developed countries have figured it out, why can’t we?


I dream of every employee having the opportunity to not only voice their opinions, but also have them heard, acknowledged, and taken seriously. It’s time to make diversity in the workplace a given. American companies should employ genders, religions, ages, races, other-abilities, etc., at least as varied as our clients. Our companies’ workforces ought to reflect the people we serve. How can we produce relevant user experiences if we limit our knowledge to how someone like us uses our product? We need to take the next step and embrace inclusion. This goes beyond diversity. If our workplace is diverse, but only one or two group’s opinions matter, the marginalized groups will take their talents to our competition.

Work Week

I dream of workers being compensated for results instead of time. With so many of us homing from work, er, I mean, working from home; haven’t we proven the forty-hour-work week is as dead as the Wicked Witch of the East? The eight-hour workday was invented by Henry Ford in the early 1900’s to recruit talent who were used to working 12-hour days. With the availability of technology, project-based solutions, and team-based problem solving, the current model is no longer best practice. The organizations who develop compensation criteria for productivity based on results will likely attract the best workforce talent.

How would you revamp the current conditions for America’s workforce? Please share your suggestions in the comments.

Keep Your Eye on the Money

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

We’re celebrating our daughter’s 24th birthday. The occasion makes me ponder both her life’s journey so far and how adulting is going. Things sure have changed since I got my first significant job, and it made me wonder: You have your first full-time job and regular paychecks are rolling in. What’s the best use of that money?


Pick a plan and stick to it. Pay attention to money both coming in and going out. Make more than you spend and plan your savings. Most banks allow you to have multiple accounts and your employer likely can direct deposit your paycheck into these accounts for you. In addition to your debit account, set up an account as an emergency fund. Unexpected expenses like job loss can bankrupt you if you live paycheck to paycheck. Setting aside three to six months worth of living expenses is a good rule of thumb. Also, direct a percentage of your income into a long-term savings account for future big-ticket expenditures (e.g., car, house, MBA). Revisit your budget at least once a year. Are you saving enough for emergencies, a long vacation, professional development? Remember to set a little money aside to reward yourself for reaching your savings goals.


Do you have student loans? Typically, you have six months after graduating from college before you’re required to start payments, but interest accumulates during that grace period. Starting repayment right away saves six months worth of interest charges. Are the loans federal or private? For federal, can you consolidate them? For private, can you refinance them at a lower interest rate?


Build your credit history by paying your bills on time and don’t miss or skip monthly payments. Try not to carry a balance on your credit cards, but if you do, pay more than the minimum listed on the statement. Set up alerts for your bank to notify you if weird amounts (e.g., less than a dollar) are charged to your account, or if the charge originates far from your location (btw, alert your bank when you travel more than 200 miles from home). Check your credit score annually.


You’re young and healthy, but what if your body gets busted up in a car accident? Here are some things to think about.


Yes. It’s a long way off, but if you begin saving now, you don’t have to put aside very much and it has years to grow. Take advantage of your company’s 401(k) plan especially if they offer matching contributions (e.g., if you invest 3% of your annual salary in the company’s 401(k), they contribute another 3% to your account). Also, open an IRA. If you can arrange direct deposits for these measures, you won’t even miss the money you’re saving.


Whether you support your local PBS station with a financial contribution, donate your gently used clothes to Goodwill, or volunteer your time at the Humane Society, set aside time or money (or both) to give back to your community. You now have the power and responsibility to make a difference. When you help others, you get more than you give.

How did you adjust to the money you made from your first full-time job? Please share in the comments section.

You Can Do Hard Things

Photo by Prateek Katyal from Pexels

Merriam-Webster defines resilience as a noun meaning “1: the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by cohesive stress and 2: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change.” Thanks to the pandemic, I can apply both of these definitions to my life. 1: My strained body needs to recover its shape after the deformation caused by COVID-19’s cohesive stress. 2. I strive to adjust to pandemic-induced change, but the constant pivoting makes me nauseous.


For this discussion, let’s stick with the second definition. We talked about a form of resilience in this earlier post. Other ways to think of resilience are Viktor Frankl’s theory of Tragic Optimism, Friedrich Nietzsche’s adage what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and even the Serenity Prayer. (I like Erma Bombeck’s version at the bottom of page 11.)


It’s physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting to think about our ingrained routines and adjust them for COVID-19. For example: Let’s say you’re a mom with a husband and two kids, one school age and one younger. You work in an office and your husband is a trucker. Every morning pre-pandemic, you:

  • Kissed your husband goodbye
  • Dropped your younger child at daycare
  • Dropped your older child at school
  • Hit your favorite coffee shop
  • Went to the office

Now, your husband is constantly on the road, your children are home, and your favorite coffee shop is closed. You’re working from home, but need faster internet to accommodate both your teleconferences and your older child’s online school. Overwhelmed? Resilience is taking baby steps toward solutions.

  • Buy some quality coffee and make yourself a pot
  • Call your internet provider and upgrade your speed
  • Tell your husband you’ll be thinking about him while he’s on his route today
  • Color with your youngest
  • Listen to your oldest’s struggle with an assignment
  • Email your manager. How is he doing? What is the one thing he’d like you to accomplish today?

Whew, you did it! You made it through the day! Take a deep breath and relax.


COVID-19 fatigue is real. You can get through any trial when you know it’s going to end; like a pregnant woman in labor. With no end in sight, you have to adjust your goals. In his book, Survival Psychology, John Leach describes transitioning from short term survival behavior to long term survival behavior. It seems very similar to the grieving process (e.g., shock, denial, anger, acceptance). One key is self-discipline, but be careful of thinking in absolutes like, “I’ve blown my diet by eating one cookie, so I may as well eat the whole bag.” One lapse does not ruin anything. Try again. Another key is your value system. Keep reminding yourself who you are and what you do. For example, say out loud to yourself:

  • I’m (your name)
  • I’m a (what you do) for my clients (or team)
  • The most important task for me to accomplish today is (your number one priority)
  • The next step to getting it done is (you get the idea).

Silly? Maybe, but it helps you to both focus and prioritize. Filter your priority list through the company’s current mission statement, which may have shifted because of COVID-19. (E.g., your company went from producing rum to hand sanitizer.) The company’s purpose should drive your daily tasks.

How is your company helping you be resilient? Please share in the comments section.

Thank You, Future Self

Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels

As the global pandemic drags on and reshapes our economy, I’ve learned a few things. Spending our money on local small businesses is more important than ever, I can make really good coffee at home, and I should not look at my 401 (k) statement right now. What are some things you can do to financially sustain yourself through this seemingly endless crisis?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce – It may be difficult to increase your income right now, but you can find ways to save it. You aren’t driving your vehicle as much as you did pre-COVID-19, so you’re saving money on gas, oil changes, and wear and tear. Working (or not) from home eliminates the need for walking around money (e.g., money spent on coffee shops, lunches out, parking fees, etc.). You’re saving money simply by not being able to spend it. This should have added up fairly significantly eight months into the stay-at-home order. Move that money to your long-term savings account where it will earn interest.

Reuse – Stay away from online shopping. Yes, those yoga pants you found on Amazon are cute, but don’t you already have three pair of cute yoga pants? Cancel automatic renewals. Don’t you have enough goodies from Watch Gang, Trendy Butler, or BREO BOX to last a while?

Recycle – Compare your monthly expenses from February to October. Note any savings and why they happened. Can you sustain any of the circumstances that caused those savings once the world opens up more? For example, you saved money by working from home. Is it possible to make remote work more permanent? You’ve probably already thought about it, so take the next step and make a list of what it would require. Then, you’ll be ready with a plan to present to your manager when the time is right.

Let’s Make a Deal

Credit card companies make money selling debt and counting on you to pay it back with interest. If you have run up over $5000 in charges, (especially if you’ve lost your job) call your lender. Ask them to suspend payments for two months and to permanently lower your interest rate. Do not take them up on their offer to sell you more debt. With so many borrowers unable to repay due to COVID-19, credit card companies are in a bind and willing to work with you now more than ever. Take this opportunity to renegotiate the terms of your credit agreement. A new arrangement will protect your credit score.

You Can’t Touch This

Your assets are low right now, so don’t sell them. If you have a 401(k) and/or an IRA and get scared easily, don’t look at your account statements. If you get another stimulus check, consider putting it in your IRA if you can currently live without it. The people who managed to save money back in the recession of 2008 are still hitting their long-term savings targets. You have more financial support from the government than during the last recession. It’s not a lot, but it’s useful.

It feels like the pandemic will last forever, but nothing does, so resist the urge to live for today and think of your future self and what that person will need: food, clothing, and shelter. Even if you move just $25 a week to your long-term savings account, after one year, that’s $1300 your future self can live on.

How are you resisting the urge to panic over your budget? Please share in the comments section.

Self-sufficient Social Security

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The headline in our wealth manager’s newsletter read: “Almost Nine Out of Ten Women Qualify for Social Security on Their Own.” I wondered, “Why is this newsletter worthy?”


More women enter the workforce every year. Since most people have to earn 40 credits to retire, you have to work (and pay into Social Security) for at least 10 years to qualify for retirement benefits. The fact that the percentage of women ages 62 to 64 who meet these requirements based on their own work records has risen 24% since 1980, means women are staying in the workforce long enough to earn their own benefits.

How it Works

There are three types of Social Security benefits: retirement, disability, and survivors. In a nutshell, when you are employed by an organization where the Social Security Administration (SSA) takes a percentage of your paycheck in taxes, it uses those wages to fund a program that distributes payments to retirees, the disabled, and their families who qualify. The assumption is eventually most Americans will qualify for Social Security and draw money from it. We’ll stick to retirement benefits for this conversation. To qualify for SSA retirement funds, you must reach your full retirement age, accumulate enough credits, and apply for it. Here is a good explanation of Social Security benefits.

What Women Should Know

Almost 55% of people receiving Social Security retirement benefits are women. Not only do women earn their own benefits, they can qualify for a spouse’s benefits. This is significant because women tend to live longer and earn less than their spouses. Social Security will not be as much money as your current paycheck. You can expect it to be about 40% of what you’re currently earning. Social Security should only be part of your retirement plan. You can use it as a foundation to build on. If your employer offers a 401(k) (or a 403(b)) plan, you should participate. If your employer contributes to it as well as invests a percentage of your paycheck for you, contribute at least as much as they do and increase your percentage beyond their contribution every year. It would also be wise to open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). The current rule of thumb is saving 15% of your income for retirement. Three sources of retirement income seems like overkill, but a quick Google search indicates a nest egg of $1,000,000 will only last 19 years in retirement. Social Security benefits last until you die, but you won’t receive the same amount throughout your retirement. Payments are made monthly and usually by direct deposit. Every year, the SSA considers adjusting retirees’ payments for inflation and decides whether or not it will increase them to reflect the cost of living. The SSA has explanations for how changing your name, becoming disabled, or divorced or widowed affects your social security benefits. You can read about it here.

The increase in women who earn their own Social Security benefits means more people are paying into the program. It also means more people intend to be paid from it. Could this be an incentive to prompt thinking on how we can empower more women to stay in the workforce so Social Security can sustain funds?

What do you think? Please share your opinion in the comments section.

I Wish I’d Known

Photo by MSH

“Mom had made sure we were exposed to ideas and information that were not available to her as a young woman.” Brene Brown, Rising Strong

When I ran across that quote, it reminded me there are umpteen things I want my daughter to know about work because she’s a woman. Here are three.

Assertive and Likable

If you intend to be a leader, that violates current gender stereotypes. Research shows when a woman’s behavior violates gender stereotypes, it’s harder for her to advance in the organization. At my first full-time job, a male coworker chuckled at me, “Stop working so hard. You’re making the rest of us look bad.” The very behavior that could put me on a leadership path, made him uncomfortable. I navigated this by asking for help and including others (particularly male colleagues) when making decisions. To get promoted, I had to be both assertive and likable and that is not easy. Unfortunately, the business world hasn’t changed much.

Work-life Balance

If your job is building dependent (e.g., hospital, school, grocery), you have a better shot at work-life balance because you leave your work at the building. But you may be putting in more hours there keeping up with the demands of COVID-19, particularly if you work a frontline job. The pandemic revealed plenty of jobs aren’t tied to a specific building and can be done any time of day, blurring the line between work and home. As a woman, the work-life balancing act is more difficult thanks to stereotypical gender roles. The term work-life balance has a negative connotation, as if work isn’t part of your life. I suggest you strive for work-life integration. Pre-pandemic, this worked particularly well for those who have control over how and where they spend their workday. COVID-19 forced more employers to not only allow employees to work remotely, but also consider the possibility of making remote work a permanent option. Consequently, you have more opportunity to shape your day now than ever before and for the foreseeable future. It’s easy to go overboard and work too much, and there will be times when work is slow and life demands more of your attention. But if you create a schedule, coordinate with your partner and kids, unplug regularly to intentionally rest, work-life integration is more practical than work-life balance.

Own Your Success

In school, you work hard and get noticed. That doesn’t happen in the workforce. You have to promote yourself. First, internalize the fact you earned the right to recognition. We tend to remember our failures better than our successes, so keep a running list of your wins (e.g., attained goals set in your last performance review, clients you’ve landed, the number of clicks on the page you created for the company’s website). Second, accept compliments. Women are famous for diluting our achievements. We attribute our success to luck or we overshare credit. You work hard; accept recognition for it. This is not bragging. Just say thank you. Express gratitude for the contributions of coworkers who helped you, but don’t exaggerate their efforts and underestimate yours.

What advice do you give your daughters about work? Please share in the comments section.

Tick Tock Your Life is a Clock

Photo by Black ice from Pexels

You don’t have to make sweeping changes to the way you work to be more productive. COVID-19 has already brought sweeping changes to the way you work. Whether you are back in the office or still remote, little tweaks to your processes can have big results by the end of the week.


Multitasking is a myth. Even if you only spend five minutes concentrating on one task, you’ll get it done faster. You can’t prevent interruptions, but you can minimize distractions like silencing your phone and putting it out of reach so you can’t hear the social media notifications going off. Be proactive and don’t instantly react. Let the phone call go to voicemail. Let the email that just arrived sit in the inbox. Refuse the ad hoc meeting. Turn off instant message. Mute the computer. Are you a procrastinator? If your manager does not do regular accountability meetings, assign yourself project deadlines and write up your own weekly status reports. Take the last half hour of the day to determine what can be put off until tomorrow. The list should be both specific and realistic. For example: achieving inbox zero is not an acceptable task. Return Boss’s email regarding corporate holiday gifts, is. Calendar tasks that are important, but not urgent for times in your day you can count on having a quiet space in which to work.


Most of us are really bad at estimating the passage of time. Keep track of how much you actually spend on tasks, including checking social media. An app may help. If the task is something you can do in less than five minutes, do it. Is there a task you’ve been dreading? Do it first and get it over with. When you receive a meeting request, ask yourself if your presence is necessary. Can you request an email summary or delegate someone else to attend? Speaking of email, most of it is someone adding a task to our list. Check your inbox at regular intervals. (Because you’ve muted the notification, right?) As soon as you log on, reply to every message that takes no more than two minutes to answer. If the message takes longer, write a rough draft, but don’t send it. A couple of hours later, refine it, and send it if you’re satisfied, then, repeat the process with the emails that arrived during that time. Schedule tasks according to when you feel most alert. Do deep work when you have the most brain power and routine tasks when you have the least.Take a break. Get up and stretch, walk around the block, or check social media. Change your scenery. Going outside or even just to a different room can boost your productivity.

You will get distracted and you will get mad at yourself for it. Forgive yourself and move on. Don’t overthink. Complete is greater than perfect. Do it. Leave it. Return to it. When all you’re changing are nitpicky details, submit it.

What are your productivity tips? Please share them in the comments section.