Site Inspection

Photo by Michael Blomkvist

Last week, we looked at some ways employers can begin to solve the working remotely challenge. This week, let’s discuss your role. As an employee, you have a few questions to contemplate. Does your organization consider working remotely a privilege or a right? Are you willing to take a pay cut to work remotely? What message are you sending to your managers? Is it clear, kind, and collaborative?

Both employers and employees require communication, empathy, and flexibility to effectively negotiate. This week, let’s think about what constructive steps employees can take to help build a bridge across the working remotely gap.


  • Build your case for working remotely. You can include why it is best for you, but put more emphasis on why it benefits both your manager and  your organization. For example, working remotely reduces your commute time. This is good for you because it saves you money. It’s good for your manager and your organization because you can spend that time working instead of commuting.
  • Provide data that supports your case for remote work. Pull up your Atta Baby file. Do you have any documentation of your increased productivity, successful project outcomes, and positive feedback from colleagues and/or clients from March 2020 to the present?
  • After gathering your evidence, schedule a meeting with your manager. Clearly and calmly present your case. Give brief illustrations of how remote work has positively impacted your work quality, efficiency, and overall well-being. Then actively listen to your manager’s perspective. Understand their reasons for wanting you in the office full-time. This can help you find common ground and empathize with their concerns.


  • If your manager has specific doubts about you working remotely, address them directly. For example, if they’re worried about collaboration, share how you plan to stay connected with colleagues and contribute to team projects while off site.
  • Highlight how you’ll maintain accountability and meet your metrics. Describe to your manager how you’ll be available, responsive, and productive. For example, someone who emails you with a simple request on a Wednesday at 8:00am can expect a reply from you within thirty minutes.
  • Be receptive to your manager’s feedback and open to adjusting your proposal based on their input.


  • Suggest compromises that address both your needs and your manager’s misgivings. How about a hybrid schedule where you’re in the office for certain days or specific team meetings?
  • Suggest a trial period for this arrangement and ways to both evaluate its effectiveness and make adjustments as needed.
  • If the conflict remains unresolved, consider involving Human Resources to mediate. They can provide guidance on the interpretation of your organization’s policies.
  • If you and your manager come to an agreement, document the details in writing to avoid any misunderstandings later.
  • If you do not reach an agreement, that gives you valuable data. It shows you what your employer expects. It also reveals the conditions under which you are willing to work. You can use this information to make decisions regarding your future with this organization.

The goal is to find a solution that benefits both you and your employer, and meets the needs of your team and your organization. Effective communication and a willingness to compromise are essential for reaching a resolution that everyone can support.

How is working remotely affecting your work life integration? Please share in the comments.

Build a Bridge

Photo by Mike Bird

The struggle is still real out here in the workforce. For example, the on-going post-pandemic pushback from workers being pressured to return to the office as well as employers being pressured by city governments worried about losing tax incentives. When there is a gap in employment expectations between managers and workforce, is it possible to communicate messages back and forth across that gap both clearly and kindly?

If you are an employer, you have many questions to consider. What message are you sending to your team? To your recruits? Is your message intentional? Are you in control of the narrative? Do you know what your reputation is in the community? Is it the reputation you want to have?

Both employers and employees require communication, empathy, and flexibility to effectively negotiate. Next week we’ll discuss the employee’s role. This week, let’s look at how employers can begin building a bridge across the working remotely gap.


Initiate a respectful and open conversation with your employee to understand their perspective and concerns. Create an environment where your direct report can freely express themselves without fear of reprisal. Actively listen to their reasons for wanting to work remotely. Do they have family responsibilities, health concerns, or transportation issues that working remotely would alleviate? Clearly articulate why you need them in the office. Are they a member of a spontaneously collaborative team? Is in-person communication the key to maintaining a cohesive company culture? If you reach a resolution, then document the agreed-upon terms and conditions and give the employee a copy to ensure you are both clear on the arrangement.


Address any specific concerns the employee has regarding the office environment. For example, are pandemic-induced safety measures in place? Have they experienced microaggressions in the office? Are the resources they need to do their job available exclusively on site? Involve the employee in the decision-making process to give them a sense of ownership and an opportunity to demonstrate cooperation. Are there advantages to returning to the office for them? For example, do you offer a mentoring program and is it more meaningful in person? If they are on site, will they be more visible to the C-Suite? If you can’t reach an agreement, would they be comfortable with you bringing in someone from HR to help facilitate the discussion and find a compromise?


Consider an arrangement that allows a mix of working remotely and in-office work. For example, could the employee work flexible hours? What about days of the week? Would you be willing to designate specific days for in-person collaboration and meetings? Would you authorize a trial period during which you closely monitor the employee’s productivity, customer service, and well-being? This experiment can help both you and them evaluate the impact of the change and make an informed decision together. You can schedule regular check-ins to review how the new arrangement is working for you, your employee, and your company. Be open to making adjustments based on feedback and fluctuating circumstances.

How is working remotely affecting your organization? Please share in the comments.

Ritual Respite

Photo by Shamia Casiano from Pexels

It’s back-to-school season! One of my friends adjusted her entire family’s bedtimes by fifteen-minute increments to prepare everyone for getting the kids to school on time. She understands the vital role rest plays in productivity. It seems counterintuitive in a society that values busyness. Let’s talk about how rest helps you do more.

Recovery: Rest allows your mind and body to recover from fatigue. Prolonged work without breaks leads to mental exhaustion, reduced concentration, and diminished problem-solving abilities. Rest replenishes your energy levels to improve your mental clarity, focus, and creativity. It also promotes physical recovery, reducing the risk of injuries. Extended rest periods, such as sleep, enable your brain to consolidate and integrate information. This improves your memory retention and decision making. Grabbing a fifteen-minute nap during your daily 3:00pm slump will recharge you more effectively than grabbing coffee, cola, or chocolate. Getting adequate rest regulates your mood, promotes emotional stability, and supports the higher-level cognitive processes you need to be productive.

Performance: Working for extended periods without rest produces diminishing returns. Taking regular short breaks during work helps combat your decline in attention and focus. You can’t work on a project for hours, then collapse at the end of the day to make up for the skipped rest periods. You can’t work at full capacity for weeks on end, then make up the missed rest with a week’s vacation. (Don’t get me started on all the paid vacation time workers have at their disposal and do not take.) Regular rest periods during your work day help you recharge, reboot, and retain high-level performance.

Innovation: Rest encourages your mind to wander, fostering creative problem solving and innovative thinking. Moments of relaxation can generate unexpected insights, connections, and out-of-the-box solutions. When you don’t make time to stop and think, you make mistakes you could have avoided. Stepping away from work and engaging in different activities stimulates new perspectives and brainstorms, ultimately boosting productivity. For example, how many times have new ideas come to you while taking a walk?

Well-being: Rest prevents the chronic stress continuous work causes. Not taking breaks negatively impacts not only your productivity but also your overall health. Rest and relaxation techniques, such as meditation, box breathing, or engaging in hobbies, help reduce stress levels. By managing stress, you can maintain a positive mindset, improve overall well-being, and approach tasks with enthusiasm.

Sustainability: Rest is essential for maintaining capacity and delaying burnout. Pushing yourself to the limit without taking breaks not only exhausts you physically, it also reduces your motivation and decreases your overall productivity in the long run. Incorporating rest into your daily routine optimizes your productivity, helps you achieve your goals faster, and ensures sustainable and consistent work-life integration.

What triggers have you set to remind yourself to take breaks? Please share in the comments.

The Cure

Photo by Pixabay

Work standards seem to change daily. For example: Should we go fully remote? Hybrid? Every employee everywhere in the office all at once? But there is a constant; the pressure for perfection. Perfectionism is like a virus spreading through your organization. Let’s talk about how embracing curiosity can help you cure it.

Help Yourself

  • If you feel like you have to get work done right the first time, every time, then you don’t want to work. Turning projects down puts you on the fast track to unemployment. But adopting a curious mindset puts you on the fast track to continuous improvement. Accept the project. Ask yourself, “What is the worst that could happen?” Then plan for it. Having a plan helps you build confidence and resilience.
  • It’s likely that the worst will not happen, but a lesser problem will. When it does, be proactive. Demonstrate you can recognize problems, reframe them as challenges and opportunities, and brainstorm ways to move forward.
  • Perfection is neither necessary nor constructive. If perfection is your goal, then setbacks will emotionally devastate you and eventually lead to burnout. Curiosity, however, helps you bounce back from setbacks by focusing on the learning process rather than the result. You become more adaptable and better equipped to navigate the inevitable challenges.
  • Curiosity drives you to explore new areas, learn from different disciplines, and consider diverse perspectives. When curiosity is a habit, you perpetually broaden your knowledge base and develop your reputation as a skilled risk taker. Perfectionists often avoid taking risks, because they are afraid they will fail and coworkers will judge them for it.
  • Curiosity empowers you to step out of your comfort zone and seize opportunities for professional growth. Whether it’s pursuing a new project, volunteering for a challenging task, or taking on a leadership role. This is the type of talent every organization wants.

Help Your Team

  • If perfection is the standard your organization expects, then your team routinely feels like they failed. Perfectionism stifles creativity and innovation. On the other hand, curiosity sparks new possibilities. When you experiment and question the status quo, you find unique solutions to problems.
  • You can reframe failure as a learning tool for your team. The next time a coworker is blamed for missing the target, support them. For example, at the next team meeting say to them in front of everyone, “This is great. Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Since that piece did not turn out the way we wanted it to, what do you think we should keep and what do you think we should try next to get the outcome the client wants?” This turns the problem into a puzzle. It diffuses embarrassment and redirects thinking toward the next iteration.
  • A culture that promotes curiosity over perfection encourages open communication and collaboration. When team members are not afraid to ask questions and to seek help from colleagues, it fosters a supportive work environment where knowledge sharing and ideation thrive. In such a workplace, employees are more likely to feel engaged, valued, and motivated.

Focusing on curiosity over perfection is a powerful shift in mindset that can transform your approach to work. By embracing failure as part of the learning process, you build resilience, expand your skills, and create paths for advancement.

When a project at work does not meet expectations, how do you redirect your thinking toward curiosity? Please share in the comments.

Finance is Personal

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

For most of us, money is not fun. You usually have to work to get it, spend some of it on things you’d rather not, and managing it can be confusing. But if you don’t manage it, then it will manage you. So, let’s simplify by putting personal finance into the 5Ws and an H framework. Who, what, when, where, why, and how should you manage your money?

Who: Everyone

What: Personal finance means controlling your income, expenses, savings, investments, and debt by making informed decisions to meet both your short-term and long-term financial goals.

When: Now

Where: There are numerous options for where to put your money to make it work for you. Traditional brick-and-mortar banks and credit unions are good for everyday transactions. High-yield savings accounts at online banks are good for longer-term savings. For investments there are apps, brokers, wealth managers, and plenty of others willing to help you. Here are some options to consider.

Why: Managing your personal finances gives you peace of mind, helps you reach financial independence and allows you to achieve your goals. Having an emergency fund and long-term savings gives you confidence to take career risks. For example, taking a job at start up or opening your own business. You have a lot of freedom when you aren’t dependent on others for monetary support. You have flexibility to choose where and how you want to live, work, volunteer, and play. Whether it’s saving for retirement, buying a house, or paying for education, managing your finances is crucial to reaching your life goals.


  • Build a realistic budget based on your monthly income and expenses that covers all your essential needs like housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, loans, credit card balances, and emergency fund
  • Pay off debt particularly high-interest credit cards and loans. Make more than the minimum payment if you can. Avoid accumulating more debt unless it’s absolutely necessary. Being debt free helps you maintain a good credit score and gives you access to financial opportunities like investing
  • Grow your money by setting up automatic transfers to your savings account each month. Your long-term goal is to save at least 20% of your income. Eventually you can use your savings to make a big purchase like a dream vacation, a car, or whatever you want
  • Make your money work for you by investing it wisely. If you are a patient person, a financial advisor or wealth manager can help you choose a portfolio of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. If retirement is many years away for you, these are good ways to grow your nest egg. A financial advisor should also be able to help you understand your responsibilities for taxes, insurance, and retirement planning 

When you have control over your finances, you are empowered to handle unexpected expenses, cope with economic downturns, and secure your future.

What do you do to manage your personal finances? Please share in the comments.

An Inside Job

Photo by Min An

“I know who I am; I know what I can and can’t do. I know what I will and won’t do. I know what I am capable of and I don’t agree to do things that I don’t think I can pull off.”

Dolly Parton

It is very self-aware of Dolly to realize she has many strengths and some weaknesses. She identifies each then chooses to leverage her strengths to her advantage. This ability has served her well both as an entertainer and in business. You can do the same thing. When you understand your values, motivations, and priorities you can intentionally make choices that align with your long-term aspirations. For example, let’s say you are not a fan of cold-calling, but you know making five extra calls a day will help you reach your monthly goal faster. You are a fan of your organization’s product/service and are good at talking about it when you train new coworkers. You write down what you said to your last trainee and use it as an alternate script for the extra five daily cold calls. How else can developing self-awareness help you succeed in your career? 

Continuous Improvement

Use self-awareness to help you identify areas for improvement. Feedback from people you trust is a good way to pinpoint what new skills you want to acquire. For example, in your latest 1:1, your manager wants to know why the last three reports you turned in were not formatted correctly. You admit you are struggling with the new suite of office applications. This should spur your manager to support you with training to increase your capabilities. Your willingness to develop a skill that benefits your employer signals to your manager that you are aware your success follows the success of the organization.

Building Relationships

Authentic relationships based on trust, empathy, and mutual understanding help you navigate different work dynamics and collaborate effectively with diverse teams. Self-awareness helps you recognize and manage your emotions. This is key to minimizing conflict and paves the way to more constructive interactions. It helps you recognize biases or blind spots that may influence your decision-making process, allowing you to approach decisions more objectively. For example, by understanding your communication style, strengths, and weaknesses, you can adapt your approach to better connect with coworkers and clients. Self-awareness also allows you to learn from your experiences, including failures, and make adjustments.

Self Care

Self-awareness promotes a deeper understanding of your personal principles, passions, and purpose. Aligning your career choices with your values helps you find fulfillment and satisfaction in your work. Defining your needs and boundaries enables you to establish healthier work-life integration. Self-awareness helps you understand your triggers and how you respond to pressure. When you notice your emotional patterns, you can formulate strategies to effectively manage the stress they cause, maintain focus, and make wise choices during challenging situations.

Cultivating self-awareness is an iterative process. It requires introspection, reflection, and feedback. Paying attention to self-awareness helps you unlock your potential, make informed choices, and thrive.

How has self-awareness benefitted your career? Please share in the comments.

Failure is Fuel

Photo by from Pexels 

Have you heard phrases like fail forward, fail fast, or fail often? They are meant to redefine what we label as failure. You know setbacks are inevitable, so why do you feel like a failure when you don’t get the results you expected? This mindset makes you afraid to take risks or try anything new. Did you know the Wright brothers crashed eight planes before achieving flight? It isn’t really failure you fear; it’s the judgement of your manager and coworkers. How do you get over that?


Instead of viewing failure as a negative outcome, regard it as valuable feedback. Think of every task as an experiment. Analyze your failed results as objectively as possible by asking: Where did the process go off track? What change needs to be made to get the desired outcome? Ask your team for their insights. Set ground rules for constructive evaluation and be open to their perspectives. Inclusion cultivates a supportive environment which is key for building the confidence necessary to take calculated risks. Growth requires stepping outside of your comfort zone. Life-long learners realize the need to reframe perceived failure as a learning tool. When you take on challenges that align with your organization’s goals you either succeed or learn. Think of either result as winning.


You may not want to immediately ruminate on a project that spectacularly crashed and burned. So, take a beat then ask your team, what did you learn that you want to repeat? What do you want to eliminate? How can you integrate these changes into the process? Setbacks are building blocks for continuous improvement. Use this new knowledge sharing to adjust your strategies and improve your future performance. This process helps your team build resilience which is essential for bouncing back quickly from failures. Success feels good, but the lessons you learn when calculated risks fail stick with you longer.


Instead of expecting something to work. Expect it not to. Build margin into your timeline for multiple tries, edits, or iterations. This takes some of the pressure off to get it right the first time. When a project doesn’t work out the way you wanted, take the opportunity to adjust your team’s mindset. It is not a reflection of anyone’s abilities or worth as a person. It is an opportunity to develop skills and perseverance. Begin by breaking the goal down into smaller tasks and tackle each one step by step. Celebrate each successfully completed step, document your progress, then move to the next. You will have a record of both your team’s achievement and history. This is a useful reminder that what you did before, you can do again.

Embracing failure as fuel for improvement is a gradual process. Be patient with yourself, stay persistent, and maintain a positive mindset. Successful people fail. A lot. 

What strategy do you employ to learn from perceived failure? Please share in the comments.

Too Much Information

Photo by ThisIsEngineering

Access to information 24/7/365 is a double-edged sword. You can find out whatever you want whenever you want, but you also have a clamor of opinions presenting themselves as facts. Data doesn’t lie, but it can be manipulated to reinforce whatever cause a person or group is promoting. How do you sift through all the noise of both too much and conflicting information to find the truth?


Look for reputable and authoritative information outlets. For example, academic journals, long-term experts in the field, or news outlets who have won awards for investigative reporting. Assess your source’s credentials. Do they have a history of accuracy and unbiased reporting? Cross-reference information from different sources with varying points of view to get as close to a 360 degree understanding of the topic as possible. For example, look for at least three sources that agree on the problem to be solved and each one offers a different solution. Be mindful of potential biases in the information offered. What is your source’s motivation for delivering this data to the world? Consider the perspectives, motivations, and potential conflicts of interest of your source. For example, is a tobacco company paying for the study whose data alleges smoking cigarettes is good for your health? Examine your source’s claims with a critical mind. Does it pass the logic test? Does the conclusion they reached seem reasonable or do they state unsupported theories as facts?


Examine information through the filter of your specific question. Some information may be accurate but does not directly apply to your situation. For example, COVID-19 changed everything. If the research is from 2019, is it still relevant today? Apply critical thinking to the evidence and supporting data for each piece of information you find. For example, are results of a study easily verifiable? Is empirical evidence, or other well-conducted research easily accessible? Look for specific statistics, experiments, or studies that both support and counter the claims being made. Look for the section of the study that states the who, what, when, where, and how it was conducted. Assess the methodology, sample size, and potential limitations of the research. If the information is based on scientific research, has it undergone rigorous peer review? Typically, peer-reviewed studies are scrutinized by independent experts which increases their reliability.


Look for patterns and similarities in the information from diverse sources. If multiple reliable sources consistently come up with similar facts or conclusions, odds are the information is accurate. For example, is there consensus among a majority of subject matter experts? Engage your inner skeptic. Question the information. Look for alternative explanations or counterarguments. Be aware of logic traps, implicit bias, or propaganda techniques that can distort truth.

Uncovering truth is an ongoing evaluation and an iterative process. It requires humility and willingness to rethink when new and often contradictory information emerges. If you stay curious, seek diverse perspectives, and remain open-minded to continuously reassess your conclusions, you may be surprised at how often you discover the truth.

What decision-making criteria do you use to navigate conflicting information to arrive at a reliable understanding of the truth? Please share in the comments.

Spending the Summer

Photo by Perfecto Capucine

How is it Independence Day already? If you’re going to take a summer vacation, the season is half over. Yes, travel is pricey, but there are ways to mitigate the expense. Here are a few strategies to stretch your hard-earned money.

Plan for Spontaneity

  • If you don’t have your heart set on a certain destination, then start with your budget. Your vacation has categories like transportation, accommodations, food, and entertainment. Assign dollars to these categories, but keep in mind that the price things cost changes every day.
  • Prices follow demand. If you can vacation at an off-peak time and place, (e.g., Tuesday – Thursday in Columbus instead of Friday – Sunday in Orlando) then travel and lodging will be cheaper.
  • Use a travel app (Travelzoo, Skyscanner,  Hopper, etc.) to research discounts. Enable notifications so you are alerted when the price of flights and hotels goes down. Check your loyalty programs. Do you have points to use?
  • If you choose to fly, check your airline’s baggage policy before packing your suitcase. Can you fit everything in a carry-on? If so, you can avoid excessive baggage fees.
  • What is going on at your destination? Is there a fair or festival? Is there a ballpark offering a discount day? Is there a coupon for a museum tour? Does a local restaurant offer a kids-eat-free-with-adult-purchase option? If you can plan your itinerary around deals on entertainment and eating, then you can save a lot of money.

Go Further Together

Can you vacation with family or friends? If you travel in a group then you can divide the costs. For example, if you drive, you can carpool and take turns paying for gas. If you stay in a hotel, you may be able to negotiate a group rate. Or, check out websites like Airbnb or VRBO for alternatives. What about renting a house? When you have a kitchen you can all chip in to buy groceries. You can either take turns cooking or you can make meals together instead of eating out every day. When you do eat out, look for locally-owned restaurants to support. Restaurants catering to tourists often charge more for the same meal options. Choosing local serves multiple purposes. You get to experience both the culture and cuisine of your destination and you’ll save money. You will save even more money if you can either walk or take public transportation to get to the eatery. Research the available options while planning your trip.

Short and Sweet

If you don’t have the time, money, or patience to deal with the chaos going on in the travel industry right now, then at least take a break with a staycation. If you are into camping, some state parks have no-fee options. Or take a day and do something you don’t usually do like go to your local art museum, or take a hike at a nearby Metropark, go to a movie theater and attend the first showing of the day, relax with a book at your neighborhood pool, stay all day at an amusement park including the closing fireworks show. You can have a good time and stay within your budget.

What you are doing to get away this summer? Please share in the comments.

I Will Follow

Photo by Kampus Production

Every year Father’s Day reminds me of my dad’s impact on my leadership journey. Dad is my stepfather. He and Mom married when I was fourteen years old. I was happy Mom found someone to share her life with. I was not happy to add another authority figure to mine. But, Dad rarely told me what to do. His authority and effectiveness depended on his relationship with me. He was an influencer. He still is.

Being an influencer at work, even if you don’t have a formal leadership role, can significantly impact your team’s dynamics and the outcomes of your projects. Here are three ways you can become one.


Taking a page from Dad’s playbook, accelerate your influence through active listening. For example, you notice your coworker, Rhonda, is struggling. Use 3P listening to help her.

  • Ponder: Ask open-ended questions that prompt Rhonda to articulate her struggle.
  • Posture: Make direct eye contact, uncross your arms and legs, and nod your head. These non-verbals are signals to Rhonda that you hear and understand.
  • Point: Repeat back to Rhonda what you heard her say. You saying it out loud helps Rhonda put her thoughts in order. Finally, ask Rhonda if you heard her correctly. She now has new options to explore and you to thank for them.

When asked to be a resource, be generous in sharing your knowledge, skills, and experiences. You influence your team through effective communication to foster understanding, collaboration, and trust.

Build Relationships

Speaking of trust, business moves at the speed of trust. Being inclusive is good for you both professionally and personally.

  • Recruit coworkers to your team who look, think, and act differently than you. In meetings, encourage everyone to contribute to the conversation. Recognize and appreciate them when they do. Provide teammates opportunities to showcase their abilities.
  • Facilitate collaboration across departments. For example, would it be useful for your team to have an ask-me-anything meeting with someone from Compliance?
  • When conflict arises, (notice I said when and not if) throw water on the fire instead of gasoline. For example, let’s say your team’s last three projects were precariously close to missing their deadlines. As diplomatically as possible, ask your teammates Rodney, Rhonda, Randy, and Ramona why. You discover problems like: Rhonda couldn’t create the PowerPoint for the client presentation until Rodney wrote the report. Rodney couldn’t write the report until Randy gave him the statistics. Randy couldn’t submit the statistics until Ramona pulled the data. This new information allows the team to adjust the flow so it works for everyone.

Your ability to handle adversity and maintain your composure influences your coworkers to cultivate a cooperative environment.

Change Agent

Exercise your emotional intelligence and lead by example. What behaviors do you want your coworkers to exhibit? Professionalism? Enthusiasm? Follow up? Do you exhibit those qualities? Influencers are dedicated, honest, and optimistic. If you show up and convey these qualities every day, you inspire others to follow suit. For example, at the end of each project, do you have a follow-up meeting for continuous improvement? Do you ask your team, what went well? What didn’t? What do we wish we would’ve done instead? How can we do that instead-thing next time? Offering to streamline processes, suggesting innovative ideas, or encouraging low-risk experiments influence your team to confidently present their ideas to the group.

Leadership is not exclusive to designated positions within your organization. If you influence people, they will follow you. If people follow you, you are a leader regardless of your title.

What do you do to positively influence your work team? Please share in the comments.