Take the Stage

Photo by cottonbro studio

We talk a lot about mindset because it’s one of the keys to making wise choices. This week, let’s explore “main character energy” mindset. What is it? How can you use it to advance your career?

What It Is

In a play, novel, or movie, the main character is the focal point of the story. Their actions drive the plot forward. Main character energy (MCE) is seeing yourself as the central character in your life’s story. It encourages you to step into your own narrative and acknowledge that your choices and behaviors are instrumental in shaping your future. Here are some key characteristics of MCE.

  • Self-Aware: Main characters understand their strengths, weaknesses, and values. They use their past experiences as stepping stones for growth.
  • Proactive: Main characters create opportunities and take calculated risks. They realize setbacks are a part of life and bouncing back is necessary.
  • Change: Main characters evolve throughout their stories, adapting to new situations and growing from their experiences. They are open to change and embrace it as a chance for continuous improvement.
  • Purpose-Driven: Main characters have a goal, a mission, or a vision that guides their actions and decisions.
  • Confident: Main characters believe in themselves and their abilities, even when faced with doubt or criticism.
  • Accountable: Main characters don’t blame external factors. Instead, they take responsibility for both their behavior and their choices. They own their mistakes, learn from them, and use them to move forward.

How to Use It

  • Self-Awareness: Reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Understand what motivates you, what you’re good at, and what you’re passionate about in your career.
  • Initiative: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you; create them. Seek out high-visibility projects. Build your skills with trainings that align with your goals.
  • Purpose: Ask yourself what you want to achieve and why it matters to you. Clarify your purpose and set clear career objectives.
  • Vision: Just like a main character embarks on a quest, visualize your career journey. Where do you want to be? How can you get there from where you are? Break the path down into achievable milestones.
  • Challenges: Use the difficulty. Instead of avoiding challenges, embrace them as opportunities to showcase your resilience and problem-solving abilities. Main characters mature throughout the story. Have a positive attitude when adapting to new situations and hold yourself accountable for your decisions and performance..
  • Self-esteem: When you doubt yourself, pull up your Atta Baby! file and remember your achievements. If you’re struggling, find a career coach.
  • Network: Main characters often rely on allies and mentors. Connect with people who can support your career journey, provide guidance, and open doors.
  • Celebrate: Acknowledge and celebrate your career achievements, no matter how small. Main characters draw on these recognitions to keep going.

Your career is a major plot line in your worklife story. Write it according to your vision and goals. Embrace your role as the main character and make your story matter.

How do you portray yourself to yourself in your worklife story? Please share in the comments.

Overthinking is Scary

Photo Credit Startup Stock Photos

Mom texted me a photo of a new shirt she bought. The caption on the front says, “Hold on, let me overthink this.” It’s perfect for Halloween. What’s more scary than your imagination?

Overthinking is like overcooking. When you overcook something its quality decreases and it doesn’t taste as good as it would have if you hadn’t overcooked it. As you attempt to make the best decisions and achieve your worklife goals, how do you avoid getting trapped in the web of excessive overthinking? Let’s talk about how to recognize overthinking and ways to stop.


  • Dwelling on a single situation to the point where it becomes counterproductive
  • Ruminating on past events
  • Second-, third, and/or fourth-guessing your choices
  • Dissecting every possible aspect of a problem
  • Having trouble focusing on the job at hand
  • A persistent knot in your stomach and/or a constant low-grade headache
  • Making decisions, even simple ones, feels overwhelming
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Negative self-image
  • Questioning the intentions of your coworkers
  • Perpetually seeking validation from your manager


  • Goals: Having a clear sense of purpose can help you stay focused and reduce the temptation to overthink. What can you do right now to get closer to your objectives? For example, if your goal is to move from inside sales to account management, then befriend an account manager. Some action steps may be identifying a mentor, scheduling an informational interview, and requesting a ride along.
  • Limits: Allocate a specific amount of time to think about a particular issue then commit to making a decision within that timeframe. This forces you to be more efficient in your thinking.
  • Mindfulness: Techniques like meditation and box breathing can help you stay grounded, reduce the urge to overanalyze, and help you manage stress.
  • Reflection: Seeing what you’re thinking helps you redirect your thoughts. When you get the fear out of your head and onto the page, it shrinks.
  • Feedback: Getting input from trusted teammates or your supervisor regarding complex decisions can provide valuable perspectives and help you make more informed choices. Save this strategy for decisions that will result in having a big impact.
  • Process: Develop a systematic approach to decision-making. List your options, weigh the pros and cons, and set a deadline for making choices.
  • Data: You have access to an overwhelming amount of information. Be selective about the data you consume, and avoid endlessly researching a topic.
  • Move: Physical activity clears your mind and reduces your stress.
  • Kindness: Instead of berating yourself for overthinking, acknowledge it as a habit you’re working to change. Self-compassion can help you break free from the cycle of self-criticism.

It’s essential to think critically and make informed decisions but excessive analysis erodes your productivity and well-being. Control your thought processes by recognizing the symptoms of overthinking and implementing strategies to overcome it. Balance thoughtful consideration with taking action. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to simply take that first step without overthinking it.

What do you overthink about at work? Please share in the comments.

Let’s Confer

Photo by Asia Culture Center

Your inbox is overflowing with tempting invitations to register for conferences. Your training budget is tight to non-existent, so why should you spend money to attend a conference? Maybe you shouldn’t. What benefits would you receive? What criteria should you use to evaluate whether or not to attend a conference?


Knowledge Sharing: The world of work is constantly evolving, and it’s crucial to keep up with the latest trends and tools in your industry. Conferences are a hub of knowledge. They offer opportunities to learn from experts through keynotes, participate in hands-on workshops with your peers, and gain insights into cutting-edge technologies from vendor demonstrations. Conferences provide a platform for you to both expand and share your knowledge.

Networking: Every industry thrives on connections and collaborations. Conferences intentionally bring together professionals, thought leaders, and peers to give you time and space to interact. Meeting like-minded individuals can lead to valuable partnerships, job opportunities, and mentoring relationships. Engaging with professionals who share your interests can provide fresh perspectives and inspire new ideas.

Advancement: Investing in a conference should be a strategic career move. Many employers view participation in conferences as a sign of commitment to professional development and growth. They can be an opportunity to present your work, which can enhance your reputation within your industry. Exposure to a wide range of concepts and specialists can open doors to new career paths and opportunities.

Inspiration: Hearing success stories, attending keynote presentations, and participating in brainstorming sessions can rekindle your passion for your work and remind you of the bigger picture. Conferences can help you stay motivated and engaged.


Relevance: Before committing to a conference, ask yourself how it aligns with your goals. Is the event focused on a relevant topic you want to learn more about? Does the conference’s content match your professional development objectives?

Quality: Check out the schedule of speakers and breakout sessions. Are subject matter experts presenting? Look for sessions that promise valuable insights, practical knowledge, and interaction. A well-curated lineup can make a significant difference in your conference experience.

Location: Map the conference’s location. Is it in a city with convenient transportation options? Can you easily attend without disrupting your work and personal life? Sometimes, local conferences can be just as valuable as international ones.

Cost: Evaluate the cost of attendance, including registration fees, travel, accommodation, and meals. Compare this cost to the potential value you expect to gain from the conference. Remember that the benefits, such as networking opportunities, knowledge acquisition, and career advancement, can often outweigh the financial investment.

Reviews: Are survey results or testimonials from past attendees available from a source other than the promoter of the conference? Research the conference’s social media platforms for comments on past events. This feedback can provide valuable insights into quality and whether this conference aligns with your expectations.

Support: Discuss the conference opportunity with your employer. Some companies have budgets for upskilling. Ask your manager if attending this conference qualifies for continuing education dollars. Highlight the potential benefits to your company, such as the knowledge you’ll bring back to share and new partnership opportunities for the organization.

Investing your money in attending conferences is a strategic move that can propel your career forward. Attending the right conferences can be a transformative experience that equips you with tools, connections, and insights to thrive in the constantly evolving workforce.

What conferences did you attend this year? Were they a good investment? Please share your favorites in the comments.

A Good Thing

Photo by Kampus Production

Last week we talked about adjusting our mindsets to use setbacks as pushes forward in the workplace. What could possibly go wrong? Well, too much of a good thing is still too much. If you feel compelled to continually demonstrate your value, even at the expense of your well-being, then you risk falling prey to a performance-prove mindset.

Do you feel an insatiable need for external validation? Do you have a deep-seated fear of failure? Do you make decisions that prioritize immediate success over long-term sustainability? Asking for a friend.

You are constantly under pressure to deliver results, meet targets, and drive success. While setting high standards and striving for excellence is essential, an obsessive need to constantly prove your worth through unrelenting performance hurts you, your team, and your organization. How can you tell if you have a performance-prove mindset? If you have it, how do you change it?

How You Can Tell

Burnout: Do you work long hours, neglect your self-care, ignore signs of stress and/or push through exhaustion? This not only harms your health, but also sets a damaging example for your team. These behaviors signal a burnout culture and toxic work environment.

Rut: Are you solely focused on existing methods and strategies? When is the last time you tried a solution someone on your team suggested? A performance-prove mindset often smothers innovation and creativity within an organization. It can result in failure to adapt to changing market dynamics.

Risk: Are you reluctant to take calculated risks? Are you afraid that any undesired outcome will be perceived as personal inadequacy? Risk aversion stifles your career growth and hinders your company’s ability to seize new opportunities.

Trust: Do you prioritize personal recognition over the well-being of your team? Trust is essential for effective leadership.

Short-Term: Are your decisions mostly about immediate performance metrics? When is the last time you considered how they impact the bigger picture? How often do you pay attention to your company’s reputation, customer trust, and employee satisfaction? Thinking exclusively about short-term goals endangers the sustainability of your business.

Stagnant: Do you regularly set aside time for self-reflection, upskilling, and personal development? Not doing so is an easy way to get in a cycle of proving yourself instead of continuous improvement.

What You Can Do

Focus: Align your actions with your company’s vision and/or mission statement.  These touchstones should drive decision making for every employee. Doing so lessens the need for external validation, because you already know what your leaders want.

Delegate: Empower your team to own tasks and decisions. Delegating responsibility not only relieves the burden of constant performance but also fosters trust and development among team members. Remember to champion failure as a learning opportunity rather than a personal setback. Encourage a culture that accepts and learns from undesired outcomes so you can stimulate innovation and growth.

Practice: Notice when it’s happening. Regularly set aside time to reflect on why you do what you do and why you feel how you feel. This may be once a month or once a week or even once a day if the situation warrants. Writing a 250 word reflection can help you see what you think. Recognizing the root causes of your performance-prove mindset is the first step to taming it.

Do you attach your self-worth to your job performance? How are you working to change that? Please share in the comments.

Mindset over Matters

Photo by RF._.studio

I was watching American Ninja Warrior when one of the ninjas fell off the Las Vegas course. She had gotten really far and it was a heartbreaker. As the ninja pulled herself out of the pool of water that broke her fall, the show’s interviewer approached and asked her how she felt. The ninja said she intended to use this setback as a push forward. Mind. Blown.

We’ve talked about how setbacks are inevitable, and how we should embrace failing fast, forward, and frequently. We’ve discussed how data gathered from perceived failure is crucial to the learning process. But we have not championed the mindset of framing setbacks as pushes forward. When you substitute the words “push forward” for the word “setback” you normalize the occurrence. You remove the shame surrounding it. Relabeling the undesired outcome helps you quickly pivot from crisis mode to troubleshooting. To further illustrate, here are a couple of quotes that crossed my path this week.

“I have learned to always push forward following a setback. As I tell my team (and my kids), ‘There is always a way forward’ even when things do not seem to be going our way. There are always lessons to be learned from mistakes. But at some point, it becomes unproductive and unhelpful to dwell on mistakes for too long — backward-looking thinking must quickly give way to forward-looking action. I have adopted one of the sayings from Peraton’s CEO Stu Shea: ‘Surround the problem.’ When my team hits a setback, we work together to stabilize the situation, understand what occurred, and then identify and mobilize the right people and resources to ‘surround the problem’ and move us forward.” 

Jim Winner, Executive Chief Legal Officer and General Counsel at Peraton. 

“I was rehearsing a play when I was a very young actor. There was an improvised scene between a husband and wife going on inside. They got carried away and they started throwing things and he threw a chair and it lodged in the doorway and I went to open the door and I’d just got my head round and I said, ‘I’m sorry, sir, I can’t get in.’ He said, ‘What do you mean?’ I said, ‘There’s a chair there.’ He said to me, ‘Use the difficulty.’ I said, ‘What do you mean?’ He said, ‘Well, if it’s a comedy, fall over it. If it’s a drama, pick it up and smash it. Use the difficulty.’ Now, I took that into my own life. You ask my children. Directly anything bad happens, they go, ‘Gotta use the difficulty. What can we get out of this?’ Use the difficulty. There’s never anything so bad that you cannot use that difficulty. If you can use it a quarter of one percent to your advantage, you’re ahead. You didn’t let it get you down. That’s my philosophy. Use the difficulty. Also, added philosophy, avoid them if you can at all costs.”  

Sir Michael Caine CBE

The next time you are at work and about to say out loud, “We’ve hit a setback,” stop and think. If you substitute the words “push forward” for the word “setback,” how would it motivate your team to surround the problem and use the difficulty? Please share in the comments.

Philosophy 101

Photo by MSH

A couple of years ago, a family friend shared his philosophy of leadership with me:

  • Show up on Time
  • Be Nice
  • Be Prepared
  • Start with Conviction
  • Stay Calm
  • Stay the Course

We were not talking about workforce at the time, but since then, I found it applicable in multiple work situations. Can you relate to the following examples?

Show up on Time – Leaders aren’t late. The rule of thumb is: If you aren’t 10 minutes early, you’re late. Last week, I walked into a local coffee shop at 2:52pm for a 3:00pm meeting with two people. I immediately saw both of them seated at a table, and they already had their drinks. Showing up on time is a show of respect.

Be Nice – Kindness counts. It’s especially appreciated at networking events. Everyone gets nervous walking into a venue, looking for someone you know, and trying to look cool. Be the person who starts the awkward conversation. Introduce yourself, ask them where they work and what their role is, offer to go to the food table with them. This last kindness offers both of you an out when you need to mingle.

Be Prepared – Margin matters. Let’s say you receive a calendar invitation for a virtual meeting. Schedule an extra 15 minutes prior to prepare. A week before the meeting go over the agenda. If you have not yet received an agenda, request one. If there is no agenda available, is this meeting actually an email? Ask the organizer why this meeting needs your voice. If it doesn’t, then you don’t need to be in the meeting. Ask the organizer to send you the minutes from the meeting. This request should prompt the organizer to either put an agenda together, cancel the meeting, or excuse you from it.

Start with Conviction – Know your why. You feel strongly that your plan to move a project forward is best, but can you put that feeling into words that will convince your manager? When you can present your strategy in words, both written and spoken, explaining not only what needs to be done, but also why it should be done, the positive energy you create influences your team to believe the same way you do.

Stay Calm – Fear often presents as anger. The more you disagree with a coworker who is emotionally invested in controlling a project, the more frustrated they get and the less they can constructively receive your push back. If you counter their frustration with curiosity, then you pour water on that fire instead of gasoline. You can ask, “You seem very passionate about your plan for this project. Please say more about why.”

Stay the Course – Don’t give up too soon. If the process you used to solve your challenge did not return the outcome you expected, then analyze how you received the result. Identify tweaks you can make. Seek feedback from teammates involved in the process. Iterate the process and try again. Failure only happens when you stop trying. Everything else is data gathering.

Many thanks to John Orr for sharing his philosophy. John is the Lead Pastor of The Stone Church. In the photo above, he’s the man in the Georgia Bulldogs T-Shirt.

Do you use some of his principles at work? Please share your experience in the comments.

Bad Reputation

Photo by Antoni Shkraba

When you think of Sales, does it conjure up a vision of a used car lot and an overexcited man in an ugly plaid jacket? No? Just me? Okay. As a profession, Sales has a bad reputation. Sales people are stereotypically portrayed as fast talking deceivers.

But, everyone in the workforce is a salesperson even if the word Sales is not in your job title. People associate you with your organization. You have the power to help and hurt your employer. If you enjoy working for your organization, then you will speak highly of it to others. If you don’t, you won’t, and people notice both. For example, let’s say you are a hygienist for a family-owned small dental practice. The next time your friend from the gym has a toothache, will they call your office because you speak so highly of it? Or will they avoid it because you complain?

For this conversation, let’s pretend you are the hygienist mentioned above. You like your job well enough to speak favorably about it and you are not in a sales role. Your success not only depends on your performance, but also on a steady stream of patients. How can you help the business grow even though you are not responsible for attracting patients?


Sales skills are communication and caring skills. In our hygienist scenario, you do not have sales goals to meet. This gives you the luxury of being able to take as much time as you want getting to know people and when they need dental services, they will call you. So, when you have face time with friends and family, listen intently and actively. Put your phone upside down on the table and look them in the eye. Do not interrupt their story. When they pause for your response, wait a second to indicate you really heard them, then ask an insightful follow up question to prove it. Great questions lead to great answers. Even just a, “Say more, please,” demonstrates your interest and empathy. When people feel listened to, they feel understood and validated. When they feel understood and validated, they like you. When they like you, they trust you and business moves at the speed of trust.


When it’s your turn to talk about yourself, it’s natural to talk about your work. In our hygienist example, you may have an anecdote about a one-year-old child’s first trip to the dentist and how you made them feel so at ease they did not want to leave. Then ask your friend what is going on at their workplace. This prompts them to share a success story too. The positive conversation makes you both want to have future interaction, so be sure to follow up. Strive to make people feel comfortable and respected. Show you care about them as a person. Take opportunities to tell stories of how people feel safe with you and how your organization makes their lives both better and easier.


Being honest is integral to building relationships and establishing it takes time. Think about a potential client. If you were in their shoes, how would you want to get to know your product or service? What would make you feel respected during the customer journey? In our hygienist example, if you are having coffee with a friend and they mention they are embarrassed by their coffee-stained teeth, do you have a story about a happy customer who had whitening done? Can you suggest an over-the-counter solution they can try first? You aren’t selling your services, you are solving their problem. Steering someone away from your service actually makes it more attractive. You are proving that you value their relationship more than their money. 

How do you feel about attracting people to your organization? Please share in the comments.

Unpleasantly Surprised

Photo by Antoni Shkraba

Have you ever felt like you’re riding a roller coaster without a seatbelt, blindfolded? That’s the sensation the modern work environment often induces, and there’s a term that sums it up perfectly: VUCA. It is an acronym for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous. Understanding and embracing the concept of VUCA can be the key to surviving in the constantly evolving workplace. Let’s breakdown what a VUCA work environment feels like and how to cope with it.

What it Feels Like

Volatile: Imagine waking up every morning not knowing whether the coffee maker will brew a perfect cup or explode. That’s the essence of volatility in the workplace. When change happens faster than you can say “meeting agenda,” then flexibility becomes a core capability.

Uncertain: Imagine a surprise party that never ends. That’s the essence of uncertainty in the workplace. Will your project get a green light? Will your team be reshuffled? Will the strategy you’ve been working on suddenly take a hard left turn? To thrive in this environment, you’ve got to be the MacGyver of adaptability, ready to craft a solution out of a paperclip and a piece of gum.

Complex: Imagine assembling a toddler’s toy with more parts than a Swiss watch. That’s the essence of complexity in the workplace. Departments intertwine like spaghetti, and understanding the big picture is like deciphering hieroglyphs. To conquer complexity, you’ve got to be Velma Dinkley, seeking out clues and patterns while keeping an eye out for the red herrings that can throw you off track.

Ambiguous: Imagine reading a book with pages missing. That’s the essence  of ambiguity in the workplace. Ambiguity requires deciphering meaning from bits and bytes of information gathered from multiple channels. You have to piece together what your team is supposed to accomplish from various sources.

How to Cope

Develop a resilient attitude. As Rocky Balboa says, “…it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward;” You will get mentally knocked down. Train your brain to get up again and again and again.

Embrace continuous learning. In a VUCA world, what you know today will be obsolete tomorrow. You have to learn a skill (for example a computer language), use it, unlearn it, learn the next iteration, rinse and repeat. Acquire new knowledge as circumstances shift.

Foster collaboration. Your team is in the same VUCA environment as you are. Collaborate with your colleagues, share insights, and lean on each other’s strengths to create solutions together. Iron sharpens iron. Diverse perspectives cultivate unconventional approaches to problem solving. This is how breakthroughs happen.

Practice self-care. Amidst the chaos, carve out moments of peace and quiet. Celebrate every incremental step toward your goal. You need to refresh to reduce harmful stress and recharge to make accurate decisions.

Embracing the challenges that a VUCA workplace presents can help you become antifragile. Something that is antifragile not only survives but also thrives from coping with adversity.

How do you navigate working in a VUCA environment? Please share in the comments.

Busy ≠ Productive

Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

I love my to-do lists. Mostly, I love crossing things off them. I even have a to-done list. Yes, I realize I need therapy. Since admitting that I have a problem is the first step to recovery, what exactly is the problem I’m trying to solve? To-do lists are a symptom. The desire to feel productive is my problem. In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg says, “Productivity isn’t about getting things done. It’s about getting the right things done.” How do you know that you are productive and not just busy?


Are you constantly putting out fires? Then you are prioritizing the urgent over the important. So, consider setting boundaries around your priorities.

  • How do you know what your priorities are? Read your organization’s vision and/or mission statement. Your goals should align with your company’s vision and your objectives should help your company accomplish its mission.
  • You will have multiple objectives. Figure out what to do first by using the Eisenhower Matrix. Identify the most important thing to accomplish and calendar time for it.
  • Then, allocate specific time blocks for different types of tasks. For example, designate focused work sessions for high-priority projects and separate periods for emails and administrative work.
  • You don’t have to do everything yourself. Concentrate on completing the tasks that require your expertise and delegate the tasks that don’t to capable team members.
  • Your priorities are constantly in flux. As circumstances change, iterate your task list to reflect the new objectives.


Do pings, rings, and dings dictate your schedule? Then you are furthering everyone else’s goals instead of your own. So, eliminate distractions and interruptions as much as possible.

  • Maintain a daily routine. It trains your brain to be most productive during specific times of the day.
  • Intentionally arrange your workspace for maximum concentration. Get away from household, office, or personal distractions. Organize your workspace for comfort and ergonomics. Is your desk close to electrical outlets? Are pens, chargers, reports, close by? Are non-essential notifications disabled on all your devices? Do you need to block distracting websites? Would using a time-management app help? Try one of these
  • Take regular breaks. Stand up and stretch. Move around for five minutes every hour. Walk away from your desk, find a quiet comfortable corner and box breathe for one minute. You will reduce stress, clear your head, and boost your mental acuity.


Are you in a lot of meetings, but not adding any partnerships to your network? Then you are just having coffee with friends. Building and nurturing meaningful connections can provide insights, open doors, and create opportunities for collaboration. So, network strategically.

  • What are your networking objectives? Are you seeking industry experts, mentors, or potential clients? Make choices that align with your goals, values, and priorities.
  • Attend the conferences, happy hours, and events that will help you connect with like-minded professionals and gain knowledge from industry leaders.
  • Remember to follow up with your new contacts after these events to maintain the connections. LinkedIn was built for this.
  • Are there professional organizations you can join to connect with influencers in your field?
  • Can you volunteer for projects that will help you establish a strong presence in your industry?

What measures do you take to enhance your productivity? Please share in the comments.

Homing from Work

Photo by fauxels

The term “work marriage” has been around since 1987. If you smoothly run a household alongside your partner, then you’ve mastered skills that can be useful in the workplace. It’s normal to transpose your relationships between home and work, but is it a good idea? Let’s explore how we can transfer the skills we learn during long-term romantic relationships to the workplace in a healthy way. 


In both marriage and the workplace, communication can be as clear as mud. For example:

  • Your spouse signs all your children’s paperwork for school, so you ignore the permission slip sitting on the dining room table. Two days later you receive an angry text from your spouse because they were called to immediately go to the school and sign an emergency permission slip before your first-grader’s class left for the field trip without them.
  • Translating this to the workplace, your project manager updates all your team’s workflows, so you ignore the change pending your approval sitting in your inbox. You receive an angry email from your manager because you missed a deadline.

In both scenarios what we have here is a failure to communicate resulting in a conflict. The conflict resolution tactics you use with your spouse are also helpful in your work relationships. Address issues promptly, avoid blame games, and seek solutions. It helps to remember that the goal isn’t to win an argument, but to improve the process. Be candid yet respectful and open to feedback. When you think you are over communicating, that is actually about the right amount of communication.


When you’ve been married long enough, you’ve weathered storms and sat through endless sports matches, spelling bees, and talent shows. Transfer this patience to the workplace, where tight deadlines and forgotten passwords can test your nerves. Exercise your emotional intelligence by remaining calm, refusing to panic, and offering support to your coworkers. There are approaches you use to soothe your spouse and allow them to both decompress and process stressful situations. You can apply these approaches in the workplace. Knowing when to both actively listen and when to offer advice makes you a valuable asset in any relationship. Professional boundaries differ from personal relationships, so be mindful that a little strategy goes a long way. Best practice? Less counseling and more curiosity.


How many times have you and your spouse had to decide on a restaurant or a movie? You have plenty of experience in the art of compromise. Apply this to your workplace interactions, where differing opinions are as common as casual Fridays. Finding middle ground leads to creative solutions and demonstrates your inclination to collaborate. Marriage is a partnership, and so is your office dynamic. Just as you and your partner tackle household chores together, cooperating with colleagues should lead to smoother projects and better results. You’re all working towards a common goal. Add value where you can, appreciate your coworkers’ contributions, and celebrate even the smallest progress.

The communication, patience, and teamwork skills you hone over years of marriage can be a blueprint for managing relationships at work, but tread lightly. Adapt these skills to fit the unique dynamics of your workplace without turning it into an episode of Friends.

How do the skills you use to get along with your partner translate to your work relationships? Please share in the comments.