Photo by Magda Ehlers
Before and After is a recurring category on the game show, Jeopardy! For example, one of the clues was, “C.S. Lewis’ Narnia book that showed off a little too much skin at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show.” The correct response was, “What is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe malfunction?”
The Before and After category has me thinking about goals because I have a theory for goal setting inspired by the Before and After category. I call it Atomic Habits Stacking. It combines two systems: Atomic Habits and Habit Stacking.
We talked a bit about the book, Atomic Habits, back in November. A major takeaway from the book is author James Clear’s statement, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Clear suggests creating a system to initiate and integrate a new habit by making it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. For example, let’s say your company adopted new project management software. To adjust to using it, you could begin the workday by logging in to your account, seeing what you accomplished the day before, what work has come in since you last checked it, save urgent tasks to your favorites, and give yourself an Atta Baby! for taking another step to try something new.
What’s Next
Add Habit Stacking to Atomic Habits and you exponentially increase your ability to reach your goals. Building on the example above, after completing those steps, if you choose one of those projects you flagged urgent and begin working on it, then you are Habit Stacking. With Atomic Habits Stacking, you get incrementally closer to reaching multiple goals everyday.
Identify New Goals
A side effect of this process is the identification of future goals. For example, let’s pretend the project you flagged as urgent is data collection for a quarterly report. The future goal that may occur to you is creating a PowerPoint slide for visualizing that data while you have it in front of you. It does not take long to start evaluating new assignments through the filter of, “How can I make this project obvious, attractive, easy, satisfying, and link it to another project?”
Team Atomic Habits Stacking
Your team can implement Atomic Habits Stacking. Continuing our example, when you finish data analysis and create a slide, then tag the person who is writing the report. They Atomic Habits Stack by also writing a rough draft of the Executive Summary. Then they notify the person who has to present. That team member updates what information is gathered and what still needs done. Then their Atomic Habits Stack is sending everyone a Slack message with an updated agenda for the next check-in meeting. It can get complicated so make sure everyone knows what the completion of their event means for triggering the next person. With practice, cooperation, and trust your team will find many cases for Atomic Habits Stacking.
What work habits can you combine to increase your productivity?